CIS 125

16– Set Operations & Venn Diagrams


Let the universe be the set U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}.

Let A={1,4,7,10}, B={1,2,3,4,5}, and C={2,4,6,8}.

For exercises 1-16, list the elements of each set below.


1.         A  B





2.         B  C


3.         A – B





4.         B – A


5.         ~A





6.         U - C


7.         ~U





8.         A  


9.         B  





10.       A  U


11.       B  U





12.       A  (B  C)


13.       ~B  (C – A)





14.       (A  B) – C


15.       ~(A  B)  C





16.       (A  B) – ( C – B)







For Exercises 17-20 draw a Venn diagram and shade the given set.


17.       A  ~B







18.       ~A – B







19.       B  (B – A)







20.       (A  B) – B