Illinois Drafting Educator's Association Regional Drafting Competition, Triton College, 2005

The contestants hard at work

The teachers: Front row: Dave Berton, John Roach, George Radcliffe, Jim Finnerty Back Row: Walter Erickson, Frank Heitzman, Antigone Sharris, Ernest Davis and Jennifer O'Leary


Frank Heitzman, Jim Finnerty, teacher, and Lukasz Ochyl, Lane Tech, 1st place Introductory Board


Frank Heitzman, George Radcliffe, teacher, and Elias Alaniz, Morton East, 1st place, Introductory CAD


Frank Heitzman, Christopher R. Jarr, Morton East, 1st place, Machine CAD, and Ernest Davis, teacher


Frank Heitzman, Lorenzo Gomez, East Leyden, and Jennifer O'Leary, teacher1st place, 3D Modeling


Frank Heitzman, Danny Crespo, Lane Tech, 1st place, Architectural CAD, and Ernest Davis, teacher


Other winners of the competition:

Eduardo Roman, Lane Tech, 2nd place Introductory Board
Daniel Krejsa, Morton East, 3rd place, Introductory CAD
Sean Ryan, Morton West, 2nd place, Introductory CAD
Anel Kadiric, Lane Tech, 2nd place, Machine CAD
Hector Reyes, Lane Tech, 3rd place, 3D Modeling
Howard Ferrari, Lane Tech, 2nd place, 3D Modeling
Constantine Fotudis, Lane Tech, 3rd place, Architectural CAD
Cory Gecht, Lane Tech, 2nd place, Architectural CAD

Congratulatins to our winners and all the competitors - you are all winners in our minds

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