How to obtain U.L. Fire rating designs from the web
- Go to
- On left side, click "Certifications."
- Under "Specific Searches" heading on the right, select "Fire Resistive Assemblies and Systems" from the pull-down menu.
- In the "Online Certifications Directory" dialogue box that pops up, select "Numbering Information for Fire Resistive designs" in the upper left corner.
- In the next dialogue box, "Fire rated Assemblies (BXUV)," select the type of floor, roof, beam, column or wall assembly system you are looking for, such as "Masonry" or "Metal Stud, Gypsum Board, Lath, and/or Plaster."
- In the next "Search Results" dialogue box, select "Refine your Search" in the second from top line, and select the hourly rating in the "Select an Hourly Rating" drop down box. This will usually narrow down your choices. Select the "Search" button
- Click on each "Link to File" in the right hand column, one at a time, and review the drawing and description that appears. After you have looked at the design information you may print it or save it or select the Back button on your browser to return to the search results.
- To save a design, select the "File" "Saveas" command in your browser. Save it to a "mht" file name extension, which is a "Web Archive" file. Most internet browsers will be able to open it, however, to be more useful, you should convert it to a PDF file type. If you have Adobe Acrobat Professional you can do this by selecting "File" "Print" and selecting the Adobe PDF printer.
Click here for an example of a U.L. tested wall assembly fire rating