Have you always wanted to design a house for yourself?  If so, you should consider architecture as a career. You can enter the stimulating field of Architecture at Triton College.  Since 1965, Triton College has been preparing students for work in this important career area.

The demand is high, and salaries are attractive.  Best of all, the work is interesting, creative and always varied.

Architecture Architecture (in Greek arch = "first" and tecnh = "craftsmanship") is the imaginative blend of art and science used in the design of buildings. A wider definition would include within its scope the design of the total built environment, from the macrolevel of town planning, urban design, and landscape architecture to the microlevel of furniture. Problem solving, decision-making, team leadership, and creativity are key elements in making architecture and lead to the tremendous excitement that comes from seeing a design idea become a physical reality. In two years, Triton College will train you in the skills needed to get a job working in the industry as a drafter, model builder, delineator, or an architect’s assistant.  Even if you begin the program not knowing how to draw a straight line, you will be able to create designs for large buildings (as well as houses) when you finish your course of study. Graduates of Triton’s Architectural Program are in high demand because of their broad-based practical knowledge of building science, visualization, design and drawing skills. If you wish to go on to become licensed as an architect, you can transfer your two years of architectural courses taken at Triton College to one of three state universities where you may  complete a Bachelor’s Degree in another two years of school.  Triton also offers a number of one-year certificate programs in Architecture to enable you to work in specialized areas of the profession, such as computer-aided design and drafting.

    Click here for more information on careers in architecture, interior design and construction management