
Find a floor plan of a well-known building in an architectural magazine.

Draw that floor plan as accurately as you can, labeling the major rooms, showing walls, stairs and doors.

Poché the walls with a cross-hatch pattern

Poché the major circulation path (hallways) with a distinctive pattern.


North is up

bubble diagram

Analyze the plan by simplifying the areas of each room into squares of the same area. Draw the squares.

Each square that represents the same type of function should receive the same color, e.g., offices should all be red, circulation should be blue, storage rooms should be green, etc.

Show relationships between rooms by heavy lines between them. Do not cross lines. These lines represent doors or passages between distinct functions, not hallways.
Stairs and hallways should be given their own square.

Place a big arrow pointing into one of the squares to show the main entrance location.

North is up


Plot each drawing on the 8 ½ x 11 paper in color, same scale – ideally 1/8” = 1’-0” or 1/4” = 1’-0” scale.

Mount each drawing side-by-side on a 20” square foam core board.

Label each drawing with the name of the building, its architect, year built, your name, the date of the project, ARC172, Critic: Heitzman.