Early Christian
Anthemius of TrallesIsadorus of Miletus
MichelangoLeon Battista Alberti
Andrea Palladio
Fillippo Brunelleschi
Sir Christopher Wren
Nicholas Hawksmore
19th Century
Thomas JeffersonBenjamin Latrobe
Claude Ledoux
Gustave Eiffel
John Nash
Sir John Soane
Henri Labrouste
Sir Joseph Paxton
Richard Norman Shaw
George Street
William Butterfield
Otto Wagner
Frank Furness
Antoni Gaudi
Hector Guimard
Karl Schinkel
Joseph Hoffman
Victor Horta
McKim, Mead & White
William Morris
Sir Edwin Lutyens
Charles Voysey
Early 20th Century
Henri LabrousteHenry Bacon
Cass Gilbert
Ralph Adams Cram
Bertram Goodhue
Henry Hobson Richardson
Eliel Saarinen
Louis Sullivan
Adler and Sullivan
Auguste Perret
Peter Behrens
William le Baron Jenny
Daniel Burnham
John Welborn Root
Paul Cret
Frank Lloyd Wright
Holabird & Roche
Ernest Graham
Dwight Perkins
Charles & Henry Green
Walter Burley Griffin
Raymond Hood
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Adolf Loos
Erich Mendelson
J. J. P. Oud
Robert Maillart
Bernard Maybeck
Irving Gill
H. P. Berlage
W. M. Dudok
Mid 20th Century
Gerrit RietveldWalter Gropius
Le Corbusier
Eric Gunnar Asplund
Alvar Aalto
Giuseppe Terragni
Marcel Breuer
The Architects Collaborative
Charles Eames
Buckminster Fuller
Bruce Goff
Harrison & Abramovitz
Albert Kahn
John Johanssen
Mies van der Rohe
Laszlo Moholy-Nagy
Pier Luigi Nervi
Richard Neutra
Oscar Neimeyer
Roche & Dinkeloo
Holabird & Root
Paul Rudolph
Eero Saarinen
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
Gorden Bunshaft
Walter Netsch
Bruce Graham
Myron Goldsmith
Allison & Peter Smithson
Edward Durell Stone
Kenzo Tange
Minoru Yamasaki
Bertrand Goldberg
Graham Anderson Probst & White
Perkins & Will
George Schipporeit
Harry Weese
Late 20th Century
Peter EisenmanFrank Gehry
Michael Graves
Charles Gwathmey
John Hejduk
Louis Kahn
Richard Meier
Philip Johnson
Charles Moore
Frei Otto
Kohn, Pederson & Fox
I. M. Pei
Aldo Rossi
Moshe Safdie
Richard Rogers & Renzo Piano
Robert A. M. Stern
James Stirling
Adrian Smith
Hugh Stubbins
Jorn Utson
Robert Venturi
Booth and Hansen
Stuart Cohen
Tom Beeby
Lohan Associates
Lobel Schlossman & Hackl
Nagle, Hartray & Associates
O'Donnel Wicklund Pigozzi & Peterson
Solomon Cordwell Buenz
Stanley Tigerman
Swanke Hayden Connell
John Vinci
Jack Train Associates
Weese Langley Weese
Anthony Predock
James Ingo Freed
Hugh Newell Jacobson
Mack Scoggin
Fredrick Law Olmstead
Jens Jenson