Project Records and Archive Procedures

Job Numbers

Whenever it is necessary to spend time on a new project whether it is only for making a proposal, or even a non-billable type of project, a job number should be opened. This facilitates storage of records and allows future analysis of time spent on various types of activities in the office.

Job numbers are four digit numbers beginning with the last two digits of the year in which the job was first worked on, e.g., "06 _ _" For simplicity of use and to allow longer file name parameters, the first digit is dropped in file names for computer records, however, for archival purposes, all five digits should be used, since job numbers would repeat every ten years if they are not. The last two digits are the sequential numbering of the projects, beginning with 01 for the first and allowing up to 99 projects.


General Office Records

Standard AIA documents (blanks)

Blank time card forms

Blank reimbursement forms

Supplies catalogues

Job Applicants

General Promotional files

Photographs and slides of past projects

Leads for promotion

Promotional brochure originals

Financial files

Financial files are stored in chronological order by job number, and contain the signed contract and any changes, and all invoices and statements.

Invoices and Statements are numbered with a five digit number, beginning with the first two digits of the year. The last three digits are the sequential number of the invoice, starting with the first of the year with 001.

Other financial records which will be filed for the firm are the following:

Accounts payable

Accounts receivable

Bills Paid

Chronological Records of Invoices

Reimbursable expenses summary sheets and other records

Corporation Records (certificates, FEIN #, licenses, etc.)

Insurance records

Insurance Certificates

Payroll Taxes

Retailer's Resale license

Time Cards

Historic Financial Data

Checks (blank)

Checks (reconciled)



Job Records:

All paper records should be stored in a central file under the file number for the life of the project in the office. Avoid duplication of files. Every job should be provided with at least one regular sized or 3" wide Pendaflex suspension folder labeled with the four digit job number in the upper left hand corner of the tab and the job name. The following is a list of types of records which may be stored in this Pendaflex folder. If the project warrants it, several individual manila file folders may be used for each of these categories. Every manila folder used in the file should have the four digit job number in the upper left corner of the tab and the name of the job and filing sub-category also on the tab. The following list is the preferred order for filing:

Job correspondence originals filed in chronological order

Project schedules

Job Meeting Memoranda

Code Analysis

Fire and Life Safety Analysis

Elevator analysis

Energy analysis

Lighting Report

Acoustical Report

Other Misc. consultant's reports

Outline specifications

Testing procedures specifications (surveys, subsoil tests)

Subsoil investigation reports

Project specifications originals


Calculations (structural, MEP, etc.)

Pre-condition survey information

Pre-bid meeting memoranda

Contractor's proposals

Bid matrices


RFIs (Request For Information)

Change Orders

Construction Meeting Memoranda

Field reports

Submittals and submittal log

Statements of Application


Maintenance Instructions

Punch List Originals

Concrete, soils, steel, etc. construction testing reports

Mechanical balancing test reports

Post-occupancy evaluation report

Litigation records

Computerized documents and drawings

There should be one original copy and one backup copy of every computer file used on active projects. CDs should be the office standard archival media.

Hard disks in the computer should not be used for long term storage of computer files. They should contain only software programs and files in progress.

All back-up disk files of all documents shall be stored in dust-proof storage boxes according to project number in a safe location outside of the studio. Backup files shall be used only in cases where the original file has been damaged.

Models and color and material sample boards.

Special items used for projects are stored during their currency in the studio. After the project is completed, they shall be placed in archival storage or returned to the Owner.

Current project hard-copy originals of active jobs should be stored in flat files in the drawer(s) designated for the project.

Printed copies of originals of active jobs for record purposes shall also be stored in the flat files.

Topographic drawings, shop drawings, etc. too large to fit into the central file, shall be stored in the flat files.


Digital job photographs taken prior to design and during construction should be labeled with a date and stored with other computer data for the project.

Promotional photographs should be stored in the photograph drawer in a separate promotional file cabinet.

Photographs should be labeled with name of project and other pertinent information.

Photographs should be placed in a sheet protector with label on back, and filed in a manila folder with the name of the job on it.


Archive procedures

When the job is complete and all contractual obligations have been satisfied, or when the project has been terminated for any reason, the documents should be archived.

Hard copy documents in the central file should be put into transfer containers in the next available open space. Each transfer case shall receive a sequential number and the location of this case shall be recorded in the job database for future access. The cases may be located in offsite storage.

All computerized files for a project (originals of drawings, photographs and written documents) shall be copied onto one or more CDs. These CDs should be stored in sequential order along with all other CDs in dust-proof storage boxes in a safe location outside of the office.

Drawings should be rolled into reasonably sized rolls and placed in boxes and labeled on the outside with the number and name of the job. Each drawing roll shall be labeled with the job number. The rolls may be located in offsite storage.