Toolbar Circle Drawing method:
1. Pick the "Circle" icon from the Toolbar.
2. Pick on the drawing the location for the center point of the circle, or type in coordinates of the center point.
3. Pick the location for
a point on the radius, or type in the radius distance of the circle.
Other Methods of Drawing Circles
Pull-down menu Circle Drawing method:
1. Pick "Draw" header in Pull-down menu
2. Pick "Circle" from Draw Pull-down menu.
3. Move cursor to the right of the word Circle over the arrow (>). A sub-sub menu will appear.
4. Pick the word "Center, Radius."
5. Pick on the drawing the location for the center point of the circle, or type in coordinates of the center point
6. Pick the location for
a point on the radius, or type in the radius distance of the circle
Keyboard Circle Drawing method:
1. Type at keyboard C<Ret>
2. Pick on the drawing the location for the center point of the circle, or type in coordinates of the center point
3. Pick the location for
a point on the radius, or type in the radius distance of the circle
Other Types of Circles
The method described above is the simplest way of drawing circles and the way which you will want to do it the majority of the time. There are other ways, however, as follows:
1. You can draw a Center-Diameter circle by typing D after invoking the Circle Command. That will prompt you for the diameter of the circle instead of the radius after you have selected the center point.
2. You can draw a circle which passes through two points by typing 2P after invoking the circle command, then picking the two points on the screen.
3. You can also draw a circle which passes through three points by typing 3P after invoking the circle command, then picking the three points on the screen.
4. You can draw a circle which is tangent to two lines or circles or arcs and has a given radius, by typing TTR after invoking the circle command, then selecting the two lines, arcs, or circles to which you want to make the new circle tangent, then typing in the radius of the new circle (or, alternatively, "showing" AutoCAD the radius by picking two points on the screen).