Set Dimensioning Variables - Model Space Dimensions
Set the Units to 1/32"
Set a text style to use for dimensions
Set up the first dimension style
Set up additional text styles for other viewport scales
1/16" = 1'-0": 192
3/32" = 1'-0": 128
1/8" = 1'-0": 96
3/16" = 1'-0": 64
1/4" = 1'-0": 48
3/8" = 1'-0": 32
1/2" = 1'-0": 24
3/4" = 1'-0": 16
1" = 1'-0": 12
1 1/2" = 1'-0": 8
3" = 1'-0" 4
Half size: 2
Full size: 1
1" = 1000'-0": 12000
1" = 500'-0": 6000
1" = 200'-0": 2400
1" = 100'-0": 1200
1" = 50'-0": 600
1" = 20'-0": 240
1" = 10'-0": 120
Applying dimensions in Model Space
To begin using dimensions, turn on the "Dimension" tool bar - right-click on any other tool bar and select the "Dimension" tool bar. This has all the tools to create dimensions on it.
Set the current layer to "A-Anno-Dims"- Set the space to "Model" space
- Select the "Format" pull down menu, then select "Dimension Style..."
- Select the dimension style which is appropriate for the scale of the viewport in which the drawing will appear, for instance in a viewport scaled for 1/4" = 1'-0" scale, select the dimension style called "48"
- From the dimension tool bar select the "Linear Dimension" icon.
- Snap to one of the endpoints of the line, then the other end point of the same line - alternatively, select the line itself - AutoCAD will automatically find its endpoints
- Select a point through which the dimension line will pass
- Done
- To continue with a string of dimensions to the next endpoint, select the "Continue Dimension" icon
- Continue picking endpoints
- When done with the string, hit two <RET><RET> keys
If you want to edit text on a dimension, click on it and the "Modify Properties" window will display its properties. Click on the plus sign to the left of the word "Text". In the slot to the right of the "Text Override" type in the text you want to display on the dimension. To display text with the measured dimension, type the text and then <>. The "<>" will display as the measured dimension. If you want to have multiple lines of text, type \P where you want to start a new line. Note that the P must be in upper case.Editing dimensions
Using grips to change location of dimension lines, dimension text,
and extension line origin points:If you select a dimension string at the Command: prompt, five grips will be placed on the dimension string, one at the insertion point of the text (at its center), one at each end of the dimension line where it crosses the extension lines, and one at the origin point of each extension line. You can make any of these grips "hot" and drag them to another location.
To change the length of a dimension line, make one of the grips at the extension line origin hot and move it parallel to the dimension line. The dimension text will always be automatically updated to read whatever the new length is.
To change the location of a dimension line itself, make one of the grips hot on the dimension line and drag it to a new location.
To change the location of the dimension text (this is a common requirement), make the grip on the dimension text hot and drag it to a new location. Note that if you drag it to a location which is near to or on the dimension line itself, a break will automatically be placed in the dimension line to allow for the text to be able to be read without interference from the dimension line crossing through it.
Paper Spece Dimensions - the next big thing
Dimensioning Variables for Paper Space Dimensions