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For People with Disabilities
Fourth Edition, July 2000 Community and Family Resources Department City of Bloomington 401 North Morton Street, Suite 260 Bloomington, IN 47404
This directory is distributed as a public service.
It is a compilation of local, state, and national organizations that assist
people with disabilities and their families.
Since the last publication in 1992, many additional
organizations and services have been listed on the World Wide Web. An effort
was made to include many of these. You are urged to search the web yourself.
The directory has been reviewed by the City of
Bloomingtonâs Council for Community Accessibility. This group promotes
community education and public awareness and advocates for people with
disabilities. The Council is sponsored by the Community and Family Resources
Department of the City of Bloomington. Information contained in this edition
has been compiled by Craig Brenner, Special Projects Coordinator, Community
and Family Resources Department, and Zachary White, Bloomington High School
North Intern. Editorial assistance was provided by John Dessauer, Community
and Family Resources Department.
The entries in this book are for information only
and are not intended to be recommendations.
The Community and Family Resources Department
thanks Bloomington Hospital & Healthcare System Printing Services for
printing this publication.
The City of Bloomington does not discriminate
on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion,
age, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, or number of dependents
in employment or in provision of services.
ABILITIES UNLIMITED, INC. 812-332-1620 P.O. Box 1814 FAX 812-335-8220 Bloomington, IN 47402 Email ö abunlim@bloomington.in.us Located at 239 Winslow Road - Southcourt Building
ABLEDATA 800-227-0216Lends durable medical equipment: wheelchairs, walkers, bedside commodes, etc. Modifies homes for accessibility ö HMAL program in City. Provides campership assistance for children with disabilities. Facilitates support groups: Head Injury and Fibromyalgia. Acts as "Point of Entry" for First Steps: identifies disabilities in children 0 ö 3 and provides names of service providers; See FIRST STEPS. 8401 Colesville Road, Suite 200 Silver Spring, MD 20910
ABLES SUPPORT GROUP 800-845-6914Federally funded project whose primary mission is to provide information on assistive technology and rehabilitation equipment available from domestic and international sources to consumers, organizations, professionals, and caregivers within the United States; sponsored by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), which is part of the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) of the U.S. Department of Education. (Aspergerâs/Autism Better Living Empowerment Society)
A.C.A.L.D.Social group for adults 16 years and older with Asperger's Syndrome, High Functioning Autism, or PDD/Nos, all part of the autism spectrum; cosponsored by South Central Area of Indiana Autism Society of America and Southern Indiana Center for Independent Living. Meets the first Saturday of each month. No cost. See LEARNING DISABILITIES ASSOCIATION OF
ACCESS FOR ALL 607-255-7727 PROGRAM ON EMPLOYMENT AND DISABILITY TTY 607-255-2891 School of Industrial and Labor Relations Email ö ilr_ped@cornell.edu 106 ILR Extension www.ilr.cornell.edu/ped/accessforall/ Ithaca, NY 14853-3901
ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION/GROSS MOTOR 812-855-6508Web site offers information and examples of how to make workplaces accessible 2853 East 10th Street Bloomington, IN 47408
AGENT ORANGEKim Davis, positive behavior support with preschool and elementary children; Adapted Physical Education Teacher (Private). See SPINA BIFIDA ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA
AIDSERVE INDIANA 800-848-AIDS 3951 N. Meridian Street, Suite 101 317-920-7755 Indianapolis, IN 46208-4011 FAX 317-926-7823
AIDS HOTLINE 800-342-AIDSStatewide HIV/AIDS agency created 1/1/98 through merger between Indiana
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 812-334-8191 Also Al-Anon and Alateen 800-589-8153
Informal self-help groups for anyone who finds it difficult to stop drinking or is having a problem with alcohol.
ALZHEIMERâS ASSOCIATION 800-272-3900 919 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 312-335-8700 Chicago, Illinois 60611-1676 FAX 312-335-1110 Email - info@alz.org
South Central Indiana Chapter 800-351-3755 P.O. Box 547 812-372-3755 Columbus, IN 47202 FAX 812-376-0541
Provides research grants for Alzheimer studies.
ALZHEIMER SUPPORT GROUP AT GLENBURN HOME 812-847-2221 R.R. 2 Box 208 Linton, IN 47441
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE 316-684-5500Provides information, referral, and support to caregivers of persons with Alzheimer American Financial Center FAX 316-684-5709 7701 East Kellogg, Suite 625 Email - aaem@swbell.net Wichita, KS 67207-1705 www.healthy.net/aaem/
AMERICAN AUTOIMMUNE RELATED DISEASES ASSOCIATION, INC.Over 400 physicians have grouped together to form the American Academy of National Office 810-776-3900 22100 Gratiot Ave. Literature Requests 800-598-4668 E. Detroit, MI 48021
Washington Office 202-466-8511 750 17th Street, N.W., Suite 1100 Washington, D.C. 20006
AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY HOTLINE (24 hours) 800-227-2345National organization dedicated to addressing the problem of autoimmunity,
AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY (Monroe County Unit) 812-336-8423 710 North Walnut FAX 812-339-9213 Bloomington, IN 47404 Jim Bretz, Area Executive Director
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary AMERICAN COUNCIL OF THE BLIND 202-467-5081health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem 1155 15th Street, NW, Suite 1004 800-424-8666 Washington, D.C. 20005 FAX 202-467-5085 E-mail ö info@acb.org
AMERICAN COUNCIL OF THE BLIND OF INDIANA 317-638-6555Provides information, including monthly publication "The Braille Forum." Riley Tower 2, Suite 2102 600 North Alabama Street Indianapolis, IN 46204-1415
Bloomington Chapter, American Council of the Blind of Indiana; purpose isA non-profit incorporated organization comprised of low vision, visually impaired, blind, and sighted persons. One of the purposes of this group is to encourage and assist the blind, especially the newly blinded, to develop their abilities and potentials to assume their responsible places in their communities. The American Council of the Blind cooperates with both public and private institutions serving the needs of the vision impaired. Membership: $5.00 (18 years and older). Privileges include participation in the Group Life Insurance Program and national magazine, The Braille Forum and publication Focus on ACB of Indiana. Write or call for further information. to educate the community about blindness and integrate the blind and visually impaired into the community, to educate ourselves and foster independence. AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION 800-DIABETESMeets second Thursday of each month, 6:30 ö 8:30 p.m., First United Methodist National Office www.diabetes.org 1701 North Beauregard Street Alexandria, VA 22311
Indiana Information Center 888-DIABETES 7363 E. 21st Street 317-352-9226 Indianapolis, IN 46219
AMERICAN FOUNDATION FOR THE BLIND 800-AF-BLINDProvides educational materials, books, pharmaceutical information and pamphlets; support groups. 11 Penn Plaza, Suite 300 212-502-7661 New York, NY 10001 TDD 212-502-7662
AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION 800-AHA-USA1National resource for people who are blind or visually impaired. Dissemination of information, identification and resolution of critical issues, education, and production of Talking Books and other audio materials. National Center www.americanheart.org/ 7272 Greenville Avenue Dallas, Texas 75231
Provides education and information on fighting
heart disease and stroke.
AMERICAN HYPERLEXIA ASSOCIATION 630-530-8551 Center for Speech and Language Disorders FAX 630-530-5909 195 W. Spangler Suite B www.hyperlexia.org/welcome.html Elmhurst, IL 60126
AMERICAN LIVER FOUNDATION 800-223-0179Volunteer organization addressing Hyperlexia. Links to Hyperlexia Web Ring, 1425 Pompton Avenue www.gastro.com/liverpg/atresia.htm Cedar Grove, NJ 07009
AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF INDIANA 812-232-7381National voluntary non-profit health organization dedicated to treating, curing, Region IV 800-586-4872 1400 E. Pugh Drive, Suite 10 Email ö lungin4th@worldnet.att.net Terre Haute, IN 47802 www.lungusa.org
AMERICAN PRINTING HOUSE FOR THE BLIND 800-223-1839Asthma management education, Tobacco Cessation for teens and adults, Tobacco Prevention Education, educational materials for all ages, referral information. 1839 Frankfort Avenue 502-895-2405 P. O. Box 6085 FAX 502-899-2274 Louisville, KY 40206-0085 Email ö info@aph.org
AMERICAN RED CROSS, Monroe CountyInstructional aids, tools, and supplies. Products include traditional items (slates, styluses) to high-tech items (talking computer software). Designed for students, but may be useful for adults both in education and daily living. Books and 411 East 7th Street 812-332-7292 Bloomington, IN 47408
Blood Center 812-331-1300
AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR DEAF CHILDREN Business Voice/TTY 717-334-7922International tracing, blood services, service to military families, disaster services, health and safety classes such as CPR, First Aid, HIV/AIDS Education, and Preventing Disease Transmission, and Lifeline services. P.O. Box 3355 FAX 717-334-8808 Gettysburg, PA 17325 Parent Hotline 800-942-ASDC Email - asdc1@aol.com
AMERICAN SPEECH-LANGUAGE-HEARING ASSOCIATION 800-498-2071Tax exempt organization furthering the services of the International Association of 10801 Rockville Pike TTY 301-897-5700 Rockville, Maryland 20852 FAX 301-571-0457 Email - actioncenter@asha.org speech-language pathology, and speech and hearing science, and advocates forPromotes the interests of and provides services for professionals in audiology, AMETHYST HOUSE 812-336-3570people with communication disabilities; the professional, scientific, and credentialing association for more than 97,000 audiologists, speech-language pathologists, and speech, language, and hearing scientists. P.O. Box 11 Email ö amethyst@bloomington.in.us Bloomington, IN 47402
Menâs Shelter 812-336-2812 215 N. Rogers Street, Bloomington, IN 47404
Womenâs Shelter 812-336-2666 1310 E. Atwater, Bloomington, IN 47401
ANXIETY DISORDERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA 301-231-9350Transitional housing for men and women recovering from alcohol and other drug addictions; includes room and board in a recovery-focused environment essential for early recovery when vulnerable to relapse. Includes assessment, treatment planning, case management, counseling, life skills, referrals. Womenâs program also houses dependent children. 11900 Parklawn Drive, Suite 100 FAX 301-231-7392 Rockville, MD 20852 Email - AnxDis@adaa.org ARC OF INDIANA, THE 800-382-9100Promotes prevention and cure of anxiety disorders and works to improve the lives 22 East Washington Street, Suite 210 317-977-2375 Indianapolis, IN 46204 FAX 317-977-2385
AREA 10 AGENCY ON AGING 812-876-3383Non-profit organization advocating for people with mental retardation and related disabilities and their families to live, learn, work, and play in communities throughout Indiana. Member of The Arc of the U.S. 7300 W. Reeves Road 812-829-6066 Bloomington, IN 47404 FAX 812-876-9922 Also 400 East Jefferson Street, Spencer IN 47460 AREA 10 SPECIAL OLYMPICS PROGRAMSenior Citizens Nutrition Project provides home-delivered meals prepared at Bill Goveia, Director 812-876-1424
ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION 404-872-7100Serves persons with mental disabilities in Bartholomew, Brown, Decatur, Jackson, National Office 1330 West Peachtree Street Atlanta, GA 30309 Arthritis Answers 800-283-7800
Provides newsletter "Fibromyalgia Health Letter."
ASK-A-NURSE 800-777-7775 3905 Vincennes Rd., Suite 501 Indianapolis, IN 46268
ASPERGERâS THERAPY GROUP 812-332-7394Telephone hotline staffed by registered nurses. Provides information on health care and physician referrals. 24 hour service. 532 N. Walnut Street, Suite D Bloomington, IN 47407-5185
ASSISTANCE DOGS INTERNATIONAL,Group for high functioning adults with autism and adults with spouses or children INC. www.assistance-dogs-intl.org/index.html
ASSOCIATION FOR CHILDREN WITH HEARING IMPAIRMENTSCoalition representing providers and trainers of guide dogs for people who are blind and visually impaired, hearing dogs for those who are deaf and hard of hearing, and service dogs for those with other disabilities and/or mobility impairments. Web site provides contact information for over 50 assistance dog organizations. Publishes "Legal Rights of Guide Dogs, Hearing Dogs, and Service Dogs." See HEAR Indiana
ASSOCIATION OF LATE-DEAFENED ADULTS Voice/FAX 877-348-7537 (US only) 1145 Westgate St., Suite #206 TTY 708-358-0135 Oak Park, IL 60301 www.alda.org/
Regional Director: Barbara Kerven (Region II ö Indiana) 1281 Nicholson Avenue Lakewood, OH 44107
ASSOCIATION ON HIGHER EDUCATION AND DISABILITY (AHEAD) 617-287-3880ALDA works collaboratively with other organizations around the world serving University of Massachusetts Boston FAX 617-287-3881 100 Morrissey Blvd. Email ö ahead@psotbox.acs.ohio-state.edu Boston, MA 02125-3393 E-mail ö Charlotte.Corbett@umb.edu
ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA CHILDRENâS PROJECT 954-481-6611Membership organization for individuals involved in development of policy and provision of services for people with disabilities in higher education; newsletter "Alert" available on-line; job listing service. 668 South Military Trail 800-5-HELP-A-T Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442 FAX 954-725-1153
The Ataxia Telangiectasia Children's Project, better known as the A-T Children's AUTISM RESEARCH INSTITUTE FAX 619-563-6840Project was formed to raise funds through events and contributions from corporations, 4182 Adams Avenue www.autism.com/ari/ San Diego, CA 92116 AUTISM SOCIETY OF AMERICA 800-3AUTISM, EXT. 150Non-profit organization devoted to conducting research, and to disseminating 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 300 301-657-0881 Bethesda, MD 20814-3015 FAX 301-657-0869
Promotes lifelong access and opportunities for persons within the autism spectrum and their families.
AUTISM SOCIETY OF AMERICA, SOUTH CENTRAL INDIANA CHAPTER 812-333-2110 724 Glen Arbor Way Bloomington, IN 47404
AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY PROGRAM 800-KID-N-CARSupports, advises, and provides information about autism to individuals, families, Indiana University School of Medicine FAX 317-278-0399 Injury Prevention and Control Center 317-274-2977 575 West Drive, Room 004 www.preventinjury.org Indianapolis, IN 46226
Low cost car seat distribution programProgram of the Indiana University School of Medicine to assure that all children are Child safety seat fitting station Project SEAT (Safety Enforcement and Teaching) - a program with local and state law enforcement officers to distribute vouchers for safety seats during routine traffic stops Buckle-Up Bug preschool programs Curriculum guides for grade school teachers and students Teen safety pilot project Advocacy and educational materials to local and state advocates and officials
B. DALTON BOOKSELLER 812-336-4964 College Mall Bloomington, IN 47401
BEAUTIFUL CREATIONS, INC. 812-332-1556The Children with Special Needs Collection features titles in several categories including specific disabilities such as autism, learning disabilities, sensory impairments, medical services and health care; educational opportunities and recreational activities; supportive guides for parents and other relatives. Customers may also place special orders for specific titles. 819 West 2nd Street Bloomington, IN 47403
BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE COLUMBUS 800-562-5213Mastectomy wear, compression stockings, and hospital gowns with velcro on shoulders. 2223 Poshard Drive 24-hour help line 812-562-5213 Columbus, IN
Behavioral or substance abuse treatment help line
open seven days a week.
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUPS 812-353-9818 P. O. Box 1149 Bloomington, IN 47402
For adults, children, and teens. Contact Susan
BIG BROTHERS/BIG SISTERS 812-334-2828 418 S. Walnut Street FAX 812-334-1718 Bloomington, IN 47404 Email ö BBBS@bloomington.in.us
For youth 6-17 years old.
BIPOLAR DISORDERS INFORMATION CENTER www.mhsource.com/bipolar/ National Institute of Mental Health Public Inquiries, Room 7C-02 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 BIRTH DEFECTS AND PEDIATRIC GENETICS BRANCH 770-488-7160Online source of information, newsletter, video, online support, treatment information, list of support organizations, links to other sites. Division of Birth Defects, Child Development, and Disability and Health FAX 770-488-7197 National Center for Environmental Health Email ö ncehinfo@cdc.gov Centers for Disease Control & Prevention 4770 Buford Highway, NE Atlanta, GA 30341-3724 www.cdc.gov/nceh/programs/CDDH/BD/bdpghome.htm
BLOOMINGTON ADULT COMMUNITY CENTER 812-334-3293Collects, analyzes, and makes available data on birth defects; operates regional Bloomington Parks and Recreation Email ö parks@city.bloomington.in.us 349 S. Walnut Street www.city.bloomington.in.us/parks Bloomington, IN 47401
BLOOMINGTON dePAUL SCHOOL 812-333-0722The Bloomington Adult Community Center is a multi-purpose fully accessible recreation and service facility for those age 50 or better. Call for more information. David Duffee, Executive Director Email ö depaul@bloomington.in.us 3800 East 3rd Street www.bloomington.in.us/~depaul P. O. Box 2375 Bloomington, IN 47402
BLOOMINGTON HOSPITAL 812-336-6821School specializing in teaching children with dyslexia and related learning disabilities. Independent elementary school, grades one through eight, guides children through and beyond barriers associated with learning differences so they learn how to learn and return to neighborhood schools with confidence. 601 West 2nd Street TDD/TTY 812-353-9212 Bloomington, IN 47403 FAX 812-353-9321
Infant Stimulation Group 812-353-3400Physician Referral Line 812-353-5252 Occupational Therapy/Evaluations 812-353-9484 Physical Therapy/Evaluations 812-353-9484 Speech Therapy/Evaluations 812-353-9484 Rehabilitation Center (in-patient) 812-353-9484 Car Seat/Automotive Safety Program 812-353-3222 Medical Social Services (patients & families) 812-353-9506 Sleep Disorders 812-353-5740 BLOOMINGTON HOSPITAL HOME HEALTH SERVICES 812-336-4492Stress Care Center 812-353-9254 333 E. Miller Drive Email ö erogers@bloomhealth.org Bloomington, IN 47401
BLOOMINGTON HOSPITAL HOME MEDICAL EQUIPMENTPhysical Therapists; Occupational Therapists; Speech Therapists; Social Workers; Psychiatric Nurses; Health Aides; RN, LPN; Homemakers; on staff. 24 hours. All payers. Indiana S.B.H. licensed; Medicare/Medicaid certified. JCAHO accredited. Post-partum assessments of mother/baby; Home Infusion Therapy. COMPANY 812-339-5579 333 E. Miller Drive Email ö erogers@bloomhealth.org Bloomington, IN 47401 www.bhhs.org
Durable medical equipment provider.
BLOOMINGTON HOSPITAL PSYCHIATRIC AND COUNSELING SERVICES 812-353-3450 445 Landmark Avenue 800-387-3440 Bloomington, IN 47403 FAX 812-353-3451 BLOOMINGTON HOSPITAL REBOUND, SPENCER 812-829-3296Offers broad array of individual treatment programs for adults and adolescents, including psychiatric consultation and medication evaluation, psychological testing and assessment, individual, group, and family therapy. Participants develop healthy goals with emphasis on preventing relapse. Outpatient treatment preserves family routine and eliminates disruption associated with hospitalization. 5 Crane Avenue Spencer, IN 47460
Physical, occupational, and speech therapy.
BLOOMINGTON HOUSING AUTHORITY 812-339-3491 P.O. Box 1815 1007 North Summit St. Bloomington, IN 47402
BLOOMINGTON HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION 812-349-3429Government subsidized housing for low income families, disabled (any family member) and elderly. Also includes involuntary displacement. Public Housing and Section 8 (income guidelines). Appointment necessary. City Hall Email ö human.rights@city.bloomington.in.us P.O. Box 100 Bloomington, IN 47402
BLOOMINGTON LEKOTEK CENTER 812-323-4631Enforces the Human Rights Ordinance, which protects equal opportunity in employment, education, housing, and access to public accommodations, regardless of race, sex, religion, color, national origin, ancestry or disability. Investigates complaints which occur within the Bloomington city limits. For complaints that occur outside the city limits, the BHRC may draft a complaint to be filed with the appropriate state or federal agency. 328 S. Walnut Street, Suite 4 888-LEKOTEK Bloomington, IN 47401 FAX 812-335-3502
Source on toys and play for children with special
To share, support, learn, and communicate with
others with MS, friends, and family.
BLOOMINGTON PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 812-349-3700 City Hall Email ö parks@city.bloomington.in.us 401 N. Morton, Suite 250 Bloomington, IN 47404
BLOOMINGTON TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE 812-336-4976Parks: Most parks within the city park system are equipped with accessible parking lots, sidewalks, restrooms, and picnic tables. Winslow Woods Park offers specialized playground equipment and raised garden beds for the persons with and without mobility limitations. Recently renovated playgrounds at Schmalz and Ninth Street Parks have provided for accessible use in neighborhood parks. Olcott Park, opening in the Spring of 2000, will feature the communityâs largest accessible playground, and a fully accessible paved trail. Bloomington has 25 city parks that are currently in various stages of becoming more accessible. Individuals are encouraged to inquire at the Parks Department to obtain the most current and accurate information about a specific park or facility. 2111 West Vernal Pike FAX 812-335-8993 Bloomington, IN 47401
BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD OF INDIANA 800-331-1476Provides emergency basic needs, i.e., shelter, food, utilities, doctor visits, prescriptions, eye glasses, etc., for Bloomington Township residents only; office hours: 8 a.m. ö 4 p.m. 812-334-4000 317-263-8000 BODY, THE www.thebody.com/ Body Health Resources Corporation 250 W. 57th Street New York, NY 10019
AIDS and HIV education and information resource.
BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF BLOOMINGTON 812-332-5311 311 South Lincoln Street FAX 812-332-9750 P. O. Box 1716 Email ö bgcb@bloomington.in.us Bloomington, IN 47402 www.bloomington.in.us/~bgclub/home.html
BT ACCESS 812-336-RIDEAfter school and summer programs for youth ages 6 ö 18. Membership fee $30/year. Hours after school: M-F from 3 ö 8 p.m. Summer: 7:30 a.m. ö 5:30 p.m. and most days when school is not in session. Members can participate in programs in Education and Career Development, Health and Life Skills, The Arts, Sports, Fitness and Recreation, Charter Development and Leadership development, Summer Camp and Holiday Break Camps. Transportation provided from school to the Club. Organized team sports in soccer and basketball. New COMPAQ computer center. Classes taught on the Internet, educational, digital cameras, scanners and other software programs. 130 West Grimes Lane 812-336-7433 Bloomington, IN 47403 www.bloomingtontransit.com Contact: Sandy Warner
CAMP RILEY FOR YOUTH WITH PHYSICAL DISABILITIES 877-867-4539Provides transportation services to individuals with disabilities (any age). Travel must be within Bloomington City limits. Application must be on file. Physician or health care professional certification of disability may be required. Cost: $1.50 one-way. Trips must be scheduled by 5:00 p.m. on the day preceding your ride request. Trips may be booked two weeks in advance. Located at BRADFORD WOODS Email - Jshea@comsys.net 5040 State Road 67 North www.rileykids.org Martinsville, IN 46151 www.indiana.edu/~bradwood
CANINE COMPANIONS FOR INDEPENDENCE (CCI) Voice/TDD 800-572-2275Offers traditional residential summer camping in four levels for children with National Headquarters Email ö info@caninecompanions.org P.O. Box 446 www.caninecompanions.org/ Santa Rosa, CA 95402-0446
North Central Regional Center Voice/TDD 740-548-4447 Cheryl Lesko, Regional Director 4989 State Route 37 East Delaware, OH 43015-9682 Chicago Satellite Office 847-816-7360 Amy Campos, Coordinator P.O. Box 41 Woodstock, IL 60098
Indianapolis Contact: Dan OâBrien
Nonprofit organization that provides highly trained assistance dogs to people with CARRIER ALERT Monroe County 812-876-3383CAPTIONED MEDIA PROGRAM www.cfv.org/ Email ö area10@bloomington.in.us CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES 812-332-1262A project sponsored by the U. S. Postal Service and Area 10 Agency on Aging. Individuals who are elderly or with disabilities may register for the program and will receive a bright orange sticker that goes inside the mailbox. If mail is not picked up as usual, the mail carrier will notify Area 10 and someone from there will check on the participant's well being. 3410 West 3rd Street Bloomington, IN 47403
CENTER FOR BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 800-344-8802Provides counseling to all, regardless of religious orientation. Sliding scale fee based on income and family size. No charge to "at risk" children and their families eligible for SSBG funded counseling. Monroe County Center 812-339-1691 645 S. Rogers Street Bloomington, IN 47403 Cathi Norton, Community Relations Specialist Email ö cnorton@the-center.org
Lawrence County Center 812-279-3591 1315 Hillcrest Drive Bedford, IN 47421
Morgan County Center 765-342-6616 1175 Southview Drive Martinsville, IN 46151-9405
Owen County Center 812-829-4871 751 E. Franklin Street Spencer, IN 47460-1829
CENTER FOR IT ACCOMMODATION (CITA) OFFICE OF GOVERNMENTWIDEComplete range of outpatient counseling and therapy for individuals, families, and couples, all age groups. Variety of services including for depressions, stress, panic disorders, alcohol and chemical dependencies, phobias, child behavior disorders, grief and loss, marital and family problems, severe and persistent emotional disorders; also psychiatry, 24-hour emergency services, vocational and residential services, Deaf Network, Older Adult services, etc. Treatment designed for each client and needs. Medicaid/Medicare and various insurance providers approved; financial assistance available to those without insurance. POLICY (GSA) 202-501-4906 U.S. General Services Administration, Center for IT Accommodation (CITA) 1800 & F Street, N.W., Room 1234, MC:MKC TTY 202-501-2010 Washington, DC 20405-0001 FAX 202-501-6269
CENTRAL BRACE AND LIMB 812-334-2524Nationally recognized model demonstration facility influencing accessible information 641 South Walker Street, Suite D Bloomington, IN 47403
CENTRAL INDIANA APNEA MONITOR SUPPORT NETWORK 317-881-3186Shoe inserts, orthotics (leg/ankle braces), prosthetics (artificial limbs), C. P. braces, back braces, cervical braces, hand and wrist splints. CENTRAL INDIANA CHAPTERTelephone support and meetings for families with infants and children on apnea monitors. OF AUTISM SOCIETY 317-251-0208
CENTRAL INDIANA RADIO READING, INC. (CIRRI) 317-283-6352Advocacy organization made up of parents, relatives, professionals, and friends of people with autism, throughout central Indiana. Bi-monthly meetings are held on the north side of Indianapolis. No direct service. Provides information and referral. Current president: Lynn Collins, 6150 N. Graham Road, Indianapolis, IN 46220. WFYI 317-636-2020 1401 N. Meridian Street www.wfyi.org Indianapolis, IN 46202
print due to blindness, low vision, physical impairments, learning disorders orA 24 hour/seven day a week communications link for people who cannot read normal illiteracy; broadcasts regional newspapers and Indianapolis publications. Listeners are provided with special radio receivers free of charge to use as long as they are CEREBRAL PALSY TREATMENT CENTER 317-929-6470needed. One must live within 45 miles of Indianapolis to receive broadcasts and there is an application requiring medical or social certification of print impairment. Methodist Hospital 1701 N. Senate Blvd., A6328 East Bldg. Indianapolis, IN 46202
CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL INTERPRETERS, INC. 317-244-9031Provides comprehensive, team approach health care for children and adults with CP. Equipment specialists available to repair/adapt wheelchairs and to make prescribed equipment. Special education consultant to review IEP to see that special needs are met in the classroom and to attend case conference as necessary. Sponsored by United Cerebral Palsy of Central Indiana, a United Way agency. 336 N. Lynhurst Indianapolis, IN 46224
CHILD CARE RESOURCES PROGRAM 812-349-3430Interpreting services for hearing impaired in legal, medical, educational, and vocational settings. Fees vary. Child Care Services Email ö community.family.resources@city.bloomington.in.us Community and Family Resources Department City Hall, Suite 260 P.O. Box 100 Bloomington, IN 47402
CHILDREN AND ADULTS WITH ATTENTION-DEFICITToy lending library for Monroe County providers. Financial assistance to low DISORDERS (CHADD) 812-334-1524 2121 E. Woodstock Place Bloomington, IN 47401
CHILDREN AND ADULTS WITH ATTENTION-DEFICIT/Organization working for people with attention-deficit disorders; local chapter HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER (CHADD) 800-233-4050 8181 Professional Place, Suite 201 301-306-7070 Landover, MD 20785 FAX 301-306-7090
CHILDREN'S ORGAN TRANSPLANT ASSOCIATION (C.O.T.A.) 812-336-8872National organization working to improve the lives of people with attention- 2501 COTA Drive 800-366-2682 Bloomington, IN 47403 FAX 812-336-8885 Email ö cota@cota.org
CHILDRENâS SPECIAL HEALTH CARE SERVICES 317-233-5600Indiana-based national charity whose mission is to ensure that no U.S. citizen is ever Indiana State Department of Health Indiana Only 800-475-1355 2 North Meridian Street, Section 7B Indianapolis, IN 46204-3006
CHILDRENâS THERAPY CLINIC 812-335-3400For children under age 21, designed to help with medical expenses directly related to a disability. Some conditions covered are asthma, seizures, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, heart disorders, and cystic fibrosis. Not covered are mental retardation and mental health problems. 350 Landmark Avenue, Suite B Bloomington, IN 47403
CHILDREN WITH ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDERS (CHADD)Provides outpatient evaluations, treatment, and free screening for children birth OF CENTRAL INDIANA Debbie Bennett 317-882-4340 Margie Nickels 317-882-9408
CHRISTOLE, INC. 812-988-1257Support group of parents and professionals provide information regarding diagnosis and treatment of attention deficit disorders. Monthly meetings include a presentation and discussion. Meetings are 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in Room 310 of Wile Hall, adjacent to Methodist Hospital. Child care provided for a small charge; reservations required. 3106 State Road 46 East FAX 812-988-1736 P. O. Box 1789 Email ö Christol@kiva.net Nashville, IN 47448
CINCINNATI OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY INSTITUTE 513-791-5688Residential provider for children and adolescents with autism. Three homes are located in Bloomington. May also include other disability groups requiring structured programs. Write or call for further information. 4440 Carver Woods Drive FAX 513-791-0023 Cincinnati, OH 45242
CIRCLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE BLIND 317-637-0130Occupational therapy evaluation and treatment for infants, children and adults, and contracted services to home health agencies, residential facilities, adult day care, schools and nursing homes. Specialized intervention is available for clients with integrative deficits. RESOURCE AND INFORMATION CENTER 445 North Penn Street, Suite 707 Indianapolis, IN 46204-1806
COMMUNITY AND FAMILY RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 812-349-3430Volunteers on call Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. City of Bloomington FAX 812-349-3483 City Hall, Suite 260 Email ö community.family.resources@city.bloomington.in.us P. O. Box 100 www.city.bloomington.in.us/cfrd/ Bloomington, IN 47402
Sponsors COUNCIL FOR COMMUNITY ACCESSIBILITY (See entry); Sponsors CHILD CARE RESOURCES PROGRAM (See entry); Sponsors BLOOMINGTON VOLUNTEER NETWORK (See entry); COMMUNITY EYE CARE CENTERPublishes Directory of Services for People with Disabilities (a listing of state/local/national resources); See INDIANA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF OPTOMETRY
COMMUNITY GARDEN PROJECT 812-349-3737 Bloomington Parks and Recreation Email ö simmonsm@city.bloomington.in.us Crestmont Park 14th and Monroe Streets, Bloomington (accessible
parking lot on West 13th Street)
Wheelchair accessible path leads from parking lot to concrete pad with four wheelchair accessible raised beds. Free seeds,
water, tools, and gardening advice.
COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES 812-353-2901 333 E. Miller Drive Bloomington, IN 47401
COMMUNITY LEGAL CLINIC 812-855-9229Community Health Access Program (CHAP) ö primary health care and medication Indiana University School of Law Email ö singlet@indiana.edu 211 S. Indiana Avenue Bloomington, IN 47405
COMMUNITY SERVICE COUNCIL 812-334-8375Free legal services for low-income residents of Monroe and surrounding counties; family law matters only. See FIRST CALL FOR HELP
COMMUNITY SERVICES FOR THE DEAF Voice 317-637-3947Provides information about existing services in Monroe County. A division of TTY 317-685-5225 Indianapolis Speech & Hearing Center 445 N. Pennsylvania Street, Suite 811 Indianapolis, IN 46204
COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS 812-336-7814 or 824-2912Interpreters, basic needs counseling, referrals, advocating, public education, hearing aids. Fees for interpreter if called by outside agency: $50 for 2 hrs., $25 additional hr., in service area; $70 for 2 hrs., $35 additional hr., outside service area, plus mileage. No hearing impaired person will be refused for lack of funds on a case by case basis. CORNWELL, AMY 812-855-9238A support group for anyone who has lost a child. Call Linda for information. Certified Interpreter 812-876-7199 Interpreter; also teaches sign language.
COUNCIL FOR COMMUNITY ACCESSIBILITY 812-349-3430 Community and Family Resources Department FAX 812-349-3483 City of Bloomington Email ö community.family.resources@city.bloomington.in.us P.O. Box 100 www.city.bloomington.in.us/cfrd/boards.htm 401 N. Morton Street Bloomington, IN 47402
COUNCIL OF VOLUNTEERS AND ORGANIZATIONSVolunteer group promoting community education, public awareness, and FOR HOOSIERS WITH DISABILITIES, INC. (COVOH, Inc.) 800-262-8630 445 N. Pennsylvania Street, Suite 804 317-262-8632 Indianapolis, IN 46204 FAX 317-262-0685
CRITI KID, INC. 800-331-8801A coalition of individuals and organizations that provides information, education, and joint action regarding laws and regulations affecting persons with disabilities. C.O.V.O.H. Foundation (Projects for Persons with Disabilities) sponsoring "Partners in Policymaking Project" in Indiana for 1992, a program to educate and empower 70 consumers and family members in issues that impact on the lives of persons with disabilities. DEAF COMMUNITY SERVICES Voice 317-637-3947Safety products utilizing microfilm to relate vital information to doctors and emergency personnel. 445 N. Pennsylvania St. Suite 811 TTY 317-685-5225 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Email ö deafcomser@aol.com
A division of the Indianapolis Speech and Hearing Center A not-for-profit United Way agency
DEAF WOMEN UNITED Email ö Bbonheyo@aol.comCertified interpreting services, case management, information referral, advocacy, in-service training, professional development workshops, and hearing aid referral. Fees for interpreting services vary; call for fee schedule.
DEAF WORLD WEB Email ö dww@dww.orgOrganization by, of, and for deaf women that focuses on advocacy, education, and
DEMENTIA CARE SUPPORT GROUP 812-335-3475Contains deaf-related resources including news, sign language dictionary, Deaf Email P.O. Box 1149 Bloomington, IN 47402
DENTAL CARE CENTER OF MONROE COUNTY 812-339-7700Provides information and support to family caregivers of persons with Alzheimerâs 306 North Morton Bloomington, IN 47404
DISABILITY INFORMATION ACCESS LINE FOR INDIANA (DIAL-IN) 800-437-7924Comprehensive dental services; sliding scale fee, Medicaid accepted. Center for Disability Information and Referral Local 812-855-9396 2853 East 10th Street Bloomington, IN 47405
DISABILITY RIGHTS EDUCATION AND DEFENSE FUND, INC. 510-644-2555Statewide referral service based at Indiana University Bloomington, providing information about disabilities, including service providers, support groups, companies, educational and residential facilities. 2212 Sixth street FAX 510-841-8645 Berkeley, CA 94710 Email ö dredf@dredf.org
Government Affairs 202-986-0375 1629 K Street N.W., Suite 802 FAX 202-775-7465 Washington, D.C. 20006
DISCOVERY TOYSNational organization dedicated to protecting and advancing civil rights of people with disabilities through legislation, litigation, advocacy, technical assistance, education and training of attorneys, advocates, persons with disabilities, and parents of children with disabilities. Diana Boike 812-332-1823 2311 Cutter Court Bloomington, IN 47403
DIVERSITY THEATER 812-349-3700Developmental toys. Call for information. Audrey Heller, Director 812-336-3198 Email ö hellera@indiana.edu Marcia Veldman, Bloomington Parks & Recreation Department 812-349-3738
DIVISION OF DISABILITY, AGING, AND REHABILITATIVETheater experience welcoming new members for on- and off-stage performances. Believes we should accept each other as individuals, recognizing that we each have strengths, weaknesses, and potential. Supported by Bloomington Parks & Recreation Department. SERVICES 800-545-7763 Family and Social Services Administration FAX 317-232-1240 402 W. Washington Street www.fssa.state.in.us P.O. Box 7083 Indianapolis, IN 46207-7083
Strives to inform, protect, and serve older adults and individuals with disabilities and their families in need of human services, resources, or support to attain employment and self-sufficiency or to maintain independence. DDARS will aggressively assist citizens of Indiana, regardless of the severity DOWN SYNDROME SUPPORT ASSOCIATION/ 317-574-9757of disability, to become employed and to live in the least restrictive and most CENTRAL INDIANA c/o Karen Kaser 10792 Downing Street Carmel, IN 46033
DYSTONIA MEDICAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION 312-755-0198An organization of parents and professionals, designed to assist and support the families of children with Down syndrome, and to promote the general welfare of individuals with Down syndrome. One East Wacker Drive 800-377-DYST Chicago, IL 60601-1905 FAX 312-803-0138 Email ö dystonia@dystonia-foundation.org EASTER SEAL SOCIETY 317-466-1000Web site dedicated to providing information about dystonia to general public and 4740 Kingsway Drive TDD 317-479-3239 Indianapolis, IN 46205 FAX 317-466-2000
EPILEPSY FOUNDATION 812-334-8375Nonprofit, community-based health and human services provider dedicated to EPILEPSY FOUNDATION OF AMERICA 800-332-1000Community Service Council referral. 4351 Garden City Drive Landover, MD 20785
EPILEPSY SUPPORT GROUP 812-824-9598 828 S. Fess 812-238-7417 Bloomington, IN 47401
FACE TO FACE SUPPORT GROUP 317-852-3676Monthly support group for families, persons with seizures, professionals, and persons 317-274-2489 FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF MONROE COUNTY 812-339-1551Support group for families of those with a variety of facial birth defects. 441 South College Avenue FAX 812-334-8398 Bloomington, IN 47403 Email ö mhatlen@bloomington.in.us
FIBROMYALGIA SUPPORT GROUP 812-332-1620Provides individual, family, and couple counseling. Designs and presents specialized workshops, i.e. parenting education, stress management. Also provides information and referral services. Sliding scale fee. P.O. Box 1814 Bloomington, IN 47402
An information and mutual support group; speakers,
educational materials; non-profit.
FIRST CALL FOR HELP 812-334-8393
FIRST STEPS EARLY INTERVENTION SYSTEM 800-441-STEP (800-441-7837)Provides information and referral services which link people to human service agencies in Monroe County that can assist with emergencies, day care, health care, legal services, support groups, etc. Publishes IRIS (Information and Referral Identification System) Manual, a comprehensive listing of social service agencies. Revised version of IRIS manual due in Summer, 2000. 402 West Washington Street, Room W386 317-232-1144 P. O. Box 7083 Indianapolis, IN 46207-7083
GALLAUDET UNIVERSITY Voice 202-651-5050Supports community early intervention programs for children from birth through age three, who are developmentally delayed or are at risk. Bloomington direct service site: Stone Belt Services (Shirley Stumpner, Public Relations Office TTY 202-651-5068 Email ö public.relations@gallaudet.edu
GENETIC DISEASES PROGRAM 800-761-1271Provides information related to deafness in individuals 21 years of age and older. Maternal & Child Health Services 317-233-1268 Indiana State Department of Health FAX 317-233-1284 P. O. Box 1964 Email ö tvanmetr@isdh.state.in.us Indianapolis, IN 46206-1964 www.state.in.us/isdh/programs/mch/gdp.htm
GIRLS, INC. 812-336-7313Strives to increase the awareness and understanding of genetic conditions and to ensure that all of the approximately 5,000 infants born in Indiana each year with birth defects or genetic conditions have access to genetic services. 1108 West 8th Street Email ö kjones.monroe@girls-inc.org Bloomington, IN 47404
GOVERNOR'S PLANNING COUNCIL 317-232-7770 FAX 317-233-3712After school and weekend programs for girls 5-18 years old; van pick-up to and from most schools. After school transportation from Ellettsville Elementary (no charge.) Membership scholarships for any girl who cannot afford Girls, Inc. fees. 143 West Market Street, Suite 404 TTY 317-232-7771 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Email - GPCPD@in.net
GREAT LAKES DISABILITY AND BUSINESS TECHNICAL ASSISTANCEMembers are appointed by the Governor for a 3-year term to promote public policy that will help those with disabilities to achieve their maximum potential. The Governor's Planning Council funds special projects to demonstrate improved services for individuals with disabilities. Other services include: free March Awareness Month packets and materials, free booklets, newsletter: On Target. CENTER Voice/TTY 800-949-4232 640 Roosevelt Road (M/C 626) Voice/TTY 312-413-1407 Chicago, Illinois 60608 FAX 312-413-1856
The Great Lakes Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center is one of 10 regional centers funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), a division of the U.S. Department of Education. Its purpose is to provide technical assistance and training to businesses and people with disabilities is a program of the Department of Disability and Human Development at theregarding the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). The Great Lakes Center University of Illinois at Chicago.
The regional Disability and Business Technical Assistance Centers operate a national toll-free information line (above) for answering
questions about the ADA.
The GLDBTAC provides training on request, tailored to the specific needs of each group, agency or company. The GLDBTAC also partners with agencies throughout the year to offer general education seminars. The Center's training staff has experience in disability law, issues and trends. Training sessions include lecture, discussion and hands-on participation.
The GLDBTAC maintains a database of resources available in our region as well as throughout the United States regarding the ADA. Resources include written material, consultants, architects, educators, model programs, and other services specializing in accommodating the needs of people with disabilities.
A library of materials on the ADA, other legislation affecting people with disabilities, and related issues is maintained by the Center. Copies of materials are available in alternative formats - Braille, large print, computer disk, cassette tape, etc. GREENE COUNTY DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES 812-659-2197 Division of Four Rivers Resource Services, Inc. FAX 812-659-9166 P. O. Box 141 www.frrs.org Lyons, IN 47443
HAMILTONâS ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES, INC. 317-824-7100Home Start (home-based for 0-3 years) 8132 Woodland Drive Indianapolis, IN 46278
Seating and positioningProvides specialized clinical services in the following areas: Mobility Job/home site modifications Computer access Environmental control Design/modification/fabrication of one-of-a-kind devices Elevators Stairglides Ramps For commercial and home
HARRIS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Voice 800-825-6758 15159 Technology Drive TTY 800-825-9187 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 FAX 952-906-1099
HARVEST EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 812-337-2273Assistive devices, books, videotapes, CD ROMS, for people who are deaf and hard Center for Behavioral Health www.the-center.org 645 S. Rogers Bloomington, IN 47403
Division of Center for Behavioral Health that helps people with mental health issues that act as a barrier to employment get
HEAD INJURY SUPPORT GROUP 812-332-1620 P.O. Box 1814 Bloomington, IN 47402
Self-help group providing support and information for survivors of traumatic brain injury and families; non-profit.
HEAD START 812-334-8350 Barb Hefty-Jones 1502 W. 15th Street905 East 2nd Street Bloomington, IN 47404
HEALING HEARTS 812-353-9818Early childhood program for children ages three to five, both one-half day and full day. Provides services for children with special needs in an integrated setting. Hospice of Bloomington P. O. Box 1149 Bloomington, IN 47402 HEMOPHILIA OF INDIANA 317-543-1299Sandra Clark. Children's grief support groups offered three times yearly, grades K-12; free. 2216 East 44th Street FAX 317-543-1291 Indianapolis, IN 46205-2205 Email ö gbottoms@iquest.net
HERITAGE HOUSE CHILDRENâS CENTER 317-835-2726Support group for parents, family members and persons with hemophilia and other blood disorders. 2325 South Miller Street 317-392-3287 Shelbyville, IN 46176
For developmentally disabled children and young adults. Long-term, short-term HEWITT RESEARCH FOUNDATION 360-835-8708(respite), and interim care, transition from hospital to home. Specialized care for Child Development Center Email ö Hewitt@homeEducation.org P. O. Box 9 Washougal, WA 98671-0009
HITEC SPECIAL NEEDS CENTER 800-288-8303Designs home-schooling programs for children with disabilities. 8160 Madison Ave. TTY 800-536-8890 Burr Ridge, IL 60521 FAX 888-654-9219
HOMESCHOOL DEFENSE LEAGUE ASSOCIATION 703-882-3838Assistive devices for hard of hearing and deafness, mobility, speech vision; for Paeonian Springs, VA 22129
HUNTINGTON LEARNING CENTER 812-333-0012Information on homeschooling for children with disabilities. Debbie Wray, Director 2458 South Walnut Street Bloomington, IN 47401
IBM SPECIAL NEEDS SYSTEMS 800-426-4832Following diagnostic evaluations, pinpoints specific learning problems and designs individualized programs to meet student needs; tutors students in specific reading comprehension and math skills; works with students with learning disabilities and ADHD; for profit.
INDEPENDENCE DOGS, INC. 601-358-2723Provides information on how computers can help people with disabilities. 146 State Line Rd. Email ö idi@independencedogs.org Chaddis Ford, PA 19317 www.independencedogs.org/
INDIANA ALLIANCE FOR THE MENTALLY ILL,Nonprofit organization providing service dogs for people with mobility BLOOMINGTON CHAPTER 812-332-1109 133 North Overhill Drive Bloomington, IN 47408
Support group for mentally ill and their families;
INDIANA CIVIL RIGHTS COMMISSION 317-232-2600Encourages and supports medical research about causes of TS, early and accurate 100 N. Senate Ave., Room N103 800-628-2909 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Hearing Impaired 800-743-3333 FAX 317-232-6580 Enforces the Indiana civil rights law, which states that it is unlawful to discriminate INDIANA COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH 800-552-7921in the areas of employment, real estate, education, public accommodation or credit, INSURANCE ASSOCIATION www.accessoasys.com
INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 317-232-0570A program of health insurance designed for Indiana residents who experience problems in obtaining or keeping health insurance due to a medical condition. Division of Special Education http://web.indstate.edu/soe/iseas/dse.html/ Room 229, State House Indianapolis, IN 46204-2798
Robert A. Marra, Director 317-232-0570 Sheron Cochran, Preschool Coordinator 317-232-0567 Kevin McDowell, Legal Consultant 317-232-6676 INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE 800-622-4461 311 West Washington Street, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46204
INDIANA EPILEPSY SERVICE 812-238-7417 Union Hospital 1606 North 7th Street East Administration Building #332 Terre Haute, IN 47804
INDIANA FAMILY HELPLINE Voice/TDD 800-433-0746State-funded program that provides information and referral services to people with epilepsy, their families, friends and employers and professionals who work with seizure disorders. Also provides educational in-services and materials that cover many different aspects of epilepsy. Advocacy services are available. All services are free of charge. Support groups meet regularly in Bloomington and Terre Haute. Indiana State Department of Health 317-233-1230 2 N. Meridian Street, Suite 700 FAX 317-233-1299 Indianapolis, IN 46204
INDIANA FEDERATION OF FAMILIES FOR CHILDRENâS MENTAL HEALTHTelephone hotline through the Indiana State Department of Health. Responds to all categories of calls and connects callers in need of assistance with those who can provide assistance. Has access to foreign language interpreters to assist non-English speaking callers. Caller has option to remain anonymous. Assists in promoting maternal and child health, WIC programs, dental providers, accessing Hoosier Healthwise providers, obtaining early prenatal and child heath care, locating emergency housing, food, utility assistance, and placing callers in contact with literacy, vocational and GED programs. 55 Monument Circle, Suite 455 317-638-3501 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Contact: Brenda Hamilton
INDIANA HEMOPHILIA AND THROMBOSIS CENTER 317-338-7200Statewide support network and referral service for families of children with emotional/behavioral disabling conditions. 8333 Naab Rd. Suite 340 Indianapolis, IN 46260
INDIANA HOME HEALTH CARE 812-334-1857 3808 West Gifford Road Bloomington, IN 47401
INDIANA INSTITUTE ON DISABILITY AND COMMUNITYProvides in-home RN, LPN, nursing aides, homemaker services, and physical therapy, serving Monroe and adjacent counties. (Medicaid/Medicare/private) 2853 East 10th Street 812-855-6508 Bloomington, IN 47408-2696 TT 812-855-9396 FAX 812-855-9630 Persons with Disabilities and Family Members Toll-Free 800-437-7924 Email ö foshaj@indiana.edu
Hours: M-F, 8 a.m. ö 5 p.m.
INDIANA PARENT INFORMATION NETWORK (IPIN) 317-257-8683The mission of the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community is to promote 4755 Kingsway Drive, Suite 105 FAX 317-251-7488 Indianapolis, IN 46205 Email ö ipin@indy.net Email ö FamilyNetw@aol.com
INDIANA POISON CENTER 800-382-9097Publications: Indiana Directory of Information and Support Groups (includes groups for adult consumers, brothers and sisters, grandparents, and parents); Directory of Indiana Parent Leaders of Children with Disabilities and Chronic Illness. Also provides information about laws, services, and other resources available. Special interest includes young children and their families in both health and educational settings. 1701 North Senate Blvd. www.clarian.com (click on Community Services) Indianapolis, IN 46206
INDIANA PROTECTION & ADVOCACY SERVICES TTY-TDD 800-622-4845 4701 N. Keystone, Suite 222 TTY-TDD 800-838-1131 Indianapolis, IN 46205 FAX 317-722-5564
INDIANA SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND 317-253-1481Independent, federally funded state agency that advocates for the human and legal rights of individuals with physical or mental disabilities. Administers three different programs: Developmental Disabilities Program, Client Assistance Program, Mental Health Advocacy Program. Provides information and referral as well as individual and systemic advocacy services and is available to assist parents with issues pertaining to the special education process. Program brochures, IMPACT newsletter, and agency video (available upon request.) 7725 North College Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46240
INDIANA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF 317-924-4374Outreach & Related Services Department 1200 East 42nd Street Indianapolis, IN 46205-2099
INDIANA STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 317-233-7607Residential and day school programming, nursery, preschool - high school (ages 18 months - 21 years). 2 North Meridian, Section 6D Indianapolis, IN 46204
INDIANA STATE FAMILY & SOCIAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATIONWill coordinate, facilitate, and monitor community-based programs tailored to meet the minority populations in Indiana. Will assess the needs of the minority population experiencing severe problems gaining access to preventative and basic health care. DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES SECTION Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services 812-423-8449 700 E. Walnut Street FAX 812-428-4146 Evansville, IN 47713
BDDS ö Clarksville 812-283-1040 P.O. Box 2517 FAX 812-285-9533 1452 Vaxter Ave. Clarksville, IN 47131
BAAD ö Greencastle 765-653-2468 608 Tennessee Street FAX 765-653-7152 Greencastle, IN 46135 INDIANA STATE FAMILY & SOCIAL SERVICES 317-232-7902Provides assistance for persons with developmental disabilities; liaison to other service/funding agencies; residential placement authority into state funded settings; attendance/advocate role for case conferences with schools, employment agencies, residential services, home and community-based services; assistance in planning for transitions; assistance for families with children who have developmental disabilities. ADMINISTRATION 800-545-7763 DIVISION OF DISABILITY, AGING AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES 402 West Washington Street, Room W-453 FAX 317-233-2320 P. O. Box 7083 Email ö nmcclimans@fssa.state.in.us Indianapolis, IN 46207-7083
INDIANA STATE LIBRARY 800-622-4970Family Subsidy/Respite Services Programs Special Services www.statelib.lib.in.us (click on Special Services) 140 North Senate Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46204
Margaret Londergan, Coordinator www.indiana.edu/~iubdrhBooks (recorded, large print, Braille) for persons who are blind, visually impaired, physically handicapped, or learning disabled. Will provide equipment if needed. Make application through Monroe County Public Library, Reference Department, 3rd Floor. Applications may require signature of physician or therapist; must be mailed by applicant. Links to National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. INDIANA UNIVERSITY APHASIA SUPPORT GROUP 812-855-6251Provides services to students, faculty, and staff needing information in alternative Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47405
INDIANA UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM 812-855-9528Three groups meet regularly ö the first is for spouses, families, and others of 1211 East 7th Street House Manager/Guest Services 812-855-5739 Bloomington, IN 47405 FAX 855-4244
INDIANA UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR HUMAN GROWTH 812-856-8302Offers the following services: orientation tours; accessible entrance on west end of Auditorium; accessible seating in each price level; aisle transfer seats; assistive listening devices; sign language interpretation and audio description available upon request with sufficient notice; large print and Braille programs; TDD. All busses to and from campus garage are accessible. 803 East 8th Street Email ö centgrow@indiana.edu Bloomington, IN 47405 www.indiana.edu/~centgrow
INDIANA UNIVERSITY DISABLED STUDENT SERVICES 812-855-7578Provides individual, couple, family, and group counseling. Initial visit is free. Groups are free. Individual: $10 per session; Couples and families: $15/per couple or family per session. Franklin Hall 096 Email ö mjacques@indiana.edu Bloomington, IN 47405 http://campuslife.indiana.edu/DSS/index.html
200 South Jordan www.indiana.edu/~sphsdeptProvides services and referrals for students with a wide range of disabilities. Bloomington, IN 47405
INDIANA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF OPTOMETRY 812-855-8436 800 East Atwater Avenue www.opt.indiana.edu Bloomington, IN 47405 Director: Steven Hitzeman, OD
Community Eye Care Center 812-855-1671 803 N. Monroe Bloomington, IN 47404 Director: Patricia Henderson, OD
Hours M-F, 8 ö 5 (W, 8-8 p.m.) Sat. 8-noon
INDIANA UNIVERSITY SPEECH AND HEARING 812-855-6251Clinics provide comprehensive eye and vision care for all ages. Specialty clinics provide services for (a)infant and pediatric, (b) ocular disease, (c) low vision care, and (d) contact lenses (fitting specialized lenses such as extended wear, astigmatism correcting, and bifocal). Dispensaries offer full line of modern eyewear and, in conjunction with on-site optical lab, can adjust, repair or replace lost or damaged spectacles. Instructs patients in vision training and ocular exercises for difficulties of coordination, binocular perception (convergence, tracking, etc.) and vision related learning problems. Open to the Public. Wheel chair accessible. 200 South Jordan www.indiana.edu/~sphsdept Bloomington, IN 47405
Preschool Speech and Language Program (ages two - six)Services for children and adults: Speech/Language Evaluations; Speech/Language Therapy Augmentative Communication (communication books/boards) Hearing Evaluations/Hearing Aid Evaluations Hearing Aids & Amplification Sales
Nancy Barlow, Email ö nbarlow@indiana.eduHearing Impaired Support Group meets first Friday each month, Memorial Hall INDIANA UNIVERSITY SPEECH-LANGUAGE CLINIC 812-855-6251 200 South Jordan www.indiana.edu/~sphsdept Bloomington, IN 47405
INTEGRITY CONSULTING 812-339-7644 And Integrity Foundation 877-339-7644 3310 OâDell Drive, Suite 10 FAX 812-336-4218 Bloomington, IN 47401 Email ö icon@bloomington.in.us
INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE www.irs.govIntegrity Consulting provides services regarding use of assistive computer technology Questions about forms 800-829-1040Publication #907 Tax Highlights for Persons with Disabilities. Free. INTERNATIONAL DYSLEXIA ASSOCIATION Messages 800-ABCD123Forms also available from IRS Internet web site. International Office Voice 410-296-0232 8600 LaSalle Road, Chester Bldg., Suite 382 FAX 410-321-5069 Baltimore, MD 21286-2044 Email ö info@interdys.org
Indiana Branch 317-926-1450 Wayne LaMade, President www.interdys.org/3-in.stm 1100 W. 42nd Street Suite 385 Indianapolis, IN 46208 IVY TECH STATE COLLEGE 812-332-1559International 501 (c) (3) non-profit, scientific and education organization dedicated to 3116 Canterbury Court Email - sgauck@bloom.ivy.tec.in.us Bloomington, IN 47404 www.ivy.tec.in.us/bloomington
Academic Skills Advancement courses review basic skills in reading, writing, math, and in developing effective study habits for college success. Tutoring is available for Academic Skills Advancement, general education, and some technical courses. Advocacy counseling, referral to community resources, and support for personal concerns are available. Accommodations available on individualized basis. Documentation is required to receive services.
JOB ACCOMMODATION NETWORK Voice/TTY 800-526-7234 West Virginia University Email ö bloy@wvu.edu P.O. Box 6080 http://janweb.icdi.wvu.edu/ Morgantown, WV 26506-6080
JUVENILE DIABETES FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL 800-JDF-CUREInternational toll-free consulting service that provides information about job 120 Wall Street 212-785-9500 New York, NY 10005 FAX 212-785-9595
Indiana State Chapter 317-329-9190 6201 LaPas Trail, Suite #160 FAX 317-329-9198 Indianapolis, IN 46268 Email - indianastate@jdfcure.org
LD ONLINE 888-GR8-MIND (888-478-6463)Nonprofit, non-governmental organization which funds research aiming to cure
Web site of Coordinated Campaign for Learning Disabilities (CCLD) Micheline Kennedy Carter 202-326-8700 Communications Consortium Media Center 1200 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 300 Washington, D.C., 20005-1754 National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities (NJCLD) c/o Stan Dublinske Ed.D., CAE 10801 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852
LEARNING DISABILITIES ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA 412-341-1515Interactive guide to learning disabilities for parents, teachers, and children. Consists (formerly A.C.A.L.D. ö the Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities) 4156 Library Road FAX 412-344-0224 Pittsburgh, PA 15234-1349 Email - ldanatl@usaor.net
LEARNING DISABILITIES ASSOCIATION OF INDIANA 800-284-2519National nonprofit organization working to advance the education and welfare of children and adults with learning disabilities, alleviate the restricting effects of learning disabilities, and support endeavors to determine the causes of learning disabilities, through advocacy, education, research, service, and through collaborative efforts. P.O. Box 20584 Email ö dlytle@netusa1.net Indianapolis, IN 46220
LEARNING TREASURES 812-332-6777Information and support to parents, adults with learning disabilities. LD/ADD/HD 223 South Pete Ellis Drive Williamsburg Village Bloomington, IN 47401
LEGAL SERVICES ORGANIZATION OF INDIANA, INC. 812-339-7668Educational materials that may be appropriate for some students with special needs. Curry Building, 2nd Floor FAX 812-339-2081 242 West 7th Street Toll Free 800-822-4774 Bloomington, IN 47404
LEKOTEK Toy Resource Helpline 800-366-PLAYFree legal assistance to low income people in civil matters, including family, housing, consumer, government benefits, and education-related cases. National Lekotek Center TTY 800-573-4446 2100 Ridge Avenue FAX 847-328-5514 Evanston, IL 60201 Email - lekotek@lekotek.org
LEVY, STINE M.S. 812-333-5440Support and toy library program for families who have children with special needs. Scheduled monthly sessions/modeling of appropriate and creative play. Adapted toys available for loan. 202 North College Ave., Suite 313 Bloomington, IN 47404
LIFT ASSIST 812-867-0347Psychological services to infants, children, and young adults with behavior problems, school and/or learning difficulties, and developmental disabilities. 8812 Old State Road Evansville, IN 47711
LIONS OF INDIANA 317-824-1024Stairway lifts, wheelchair lifts, residential elevators, van lifts, hand controls, accessories. 8780 Purdue Road FAX 317-824-9608 Indianapolis, IN 46268 Email - Indylion@indianalions.org LONG, BRETT 812-337-2334www.indianalions.org Certified Interpreter.
LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP Area 10 Agency on Aging 812-876-3383 or Barbara Salisbury 812-334-2836 Email ö ACB.Bloomington@worldnet.att.net
MARCH OF DIMES BIRTH DEFECTS FOUNDATION 888-MODIMES (663-4637)Peer support group for those recently blind or gradually loosing sight. Share stories 1275 Mamaroneck Avenue Voice 914-428-7100 White Plains, NY 10605 FAX 914-997-4410
Indianapolis Chapter 317-262-4668 FAX 317-262-4669 Email ö IN354@modimes.org McCROCKLIN FORD MOBILITY CENTER 800-354-2261Organization addressing problems of birth defects, infant mortality, low birthweight, 683 N. 8th Street 765-354-2261 Middletown, IN 47356 FAX 765-345-6604 Email ö mobility@mccrocklinford.com Vehicles and other mobility products bought and
MEALS ON WHEELS 812-323-4982 601 W. 2nd Street Bloomington, IN 47403
MEDICARE HOTLINE 800-622-4792Provides home-delivered meals at cost for those unable to cook for themselves. MENDED HEARTS, INC., THE 800-AHAUSA1 7272 Greenville Ave. 214-706-1442 Dallas, TX 75231 Email - dbonham@heart.org
MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION 812-339-2803Offers help, support, encouragement to heart disease patients and families. An extended 407 South Walnut Street Listening Line 812-332-6060 Bloomington, IN 47401 Email ö mha@bloomington.in.us
METHODIST HOSPITAL 317-929-3488Listening Line ö nightly suicide/crisis hot line serving Monroe County and 1633 North Capitol Avenue, Suite 680 800-248-1199 Indianapolis, IN 46202 FAX 317-929-3796
Children's Developmental Services 317-929-3488Children's Developmental Services Program MONROE COUNTY COMMUNITY SCHOOL CORPORATION (MCCSC) 812-330-7700Individual consultation, assessment, and management of newborn through early teenage children who are at risk for or having problems of development, behavior and learning; delays in development; inadequate growth/weight gain; learning disabilities; school underachievement; attention-deficit disorders; behavior/discipline difficulties; sleep disturbances; toileting problems/toilet training, bedwetting, lack of bowel control; language and hearing difficulties; autism and atypical developmental patterns. Administration Center Email ö jtupper@mccsc.edu 315 North Drive www.mccsc.edu Bloomington, IN 47401
Superintendent, Dr. John Coomer 812-330-7700 Adult Education 812-330-7731 School Assistance Fund 812-349-4787 or 812-330-7700
Provides clothing, eye care, short-term medical/dental care for children; income guidelines
Summer School 812-349-4787 or 812-330-7700 Transportation (560 E. Miller Drive), Mike Clark
Director, Special Services, Michael Horvath 812-349-4756 Extended Day Program, Wendy Perry 812-330-7702 Multicategorical Preschool (3-5 years), Pat Barber 812-349-4756 Nursing, Debra Quimby 812-330-7833 Psychologists 812-349-4756 Early Childhood Screening 812-349-3430 or 812-349-4756 School Social Service 812-349-4763 or 812-330-7700
Transition Coordinator, Barbara Horvath 812-349-4756Case and group work; service provided through referral from student, family, school personnel, or agency representatives; for problems interfering with a student's social, academic, or personal adjustment; community and school resources are utilized; no cost. Parent Advisory Council (PAC), Michael Horvath, contact person 812-349-4756
MONROE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 812-349-2543A group of parents, teachers, and administrators who meet with director of special 119 W. 7th Street FAX 812-339-6481 Bloomington, IN 47404 www.co.monroe.in.us/healthdept.html
MONROE COUNTY LICENSE BUREAU 812-336-3018Sanitarians help prevent and control communicable diseases and promote safe, healthy 118 South Rogers Street Bloomington, IN 47404
Disability license plates and parking permits.
MONROE COUNTY OFFICE, DIVISION OF FAMILIES & CHILDREN 812-336-6351 401 East Miller Drive Bloomington, IN 47401
Child Welfare (including adoption, wards of court, foster parents, and child abuse)Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Medicaid (for pregnant women, the aged, blind, & disabled) Food Stamps Hospital Care for the Indigent
MONROE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 812-349-3050 303 East Kirkwood Avenue Relay Service 800-743-3333 Bloomington, IN 47401 Email - pgrayove@monroe.lib.in.us Children's Services 812-349-3100 Community Access Television Services (CATS) 812-349-3111 Computer Dial Access 812-349-3259 Fiction Services 812-349-3210 Health Central Indiana 812-349-3083 Magazines/Newspapers 812-349-3082 Reference and Information Services 812-349-3228 Talking Books ö To access Indiana State Library, Division of Blind And Physically Handicapped 812-349-3200 Videos/Films/Music 812-349-3200
Individual assistance in reading; available to
all adults age 18 and over.
Offers Homebound Service - personalized delivery of library materials to persons Ellettsville Branch 812-876-1272who cannot leave their homes; items selected based on patron requests and 600 West Temperance Street Ellettsville, IN 47429
MONROE COUNTY YMCA FAMILY FITNESS CENTER 812-332-5555 2125 South Highland Avenue Email ö ymca@bloomington.in.us P. O. Box 2598 www.bloomington.in.us/~ymca Bloomington, IN 47402
300 UCLA Medical Plaza, Suite #3330 FAX 310-794-1143YMCA is committed to serving the needs of all. All classes are open to people with disabilities. Two hot tubs and heated therapeutic pool with hydraulic chair-lift; Los Angeles, CA 90095-6967 Email - oraynor@mednet.ucla.edu NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR HEARING V/TDD 800-638-TALK & SPEECH ACTION HOTLINE
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR VISUALLY HANDICAPPED 415-221-3201 3201 Balboa Street FAX 415-221-8754 San Francisco, CA 94121 Email ö staffca@navh.org or staff@navh.org
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THE DEAF VOICE 301-587-1788Non-profit health agency dedicated to providing assistance to persons with 814 Thayer Avenue TTY 301-587-1789 Silver Springs, MD FAX 301-587-1791 Email ö NADinfo@nad.org
NATIONAL ATAXIA FOUNDATION 763-553-0020Founded in 1880, the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) is oldest and 2600 Fernbrook Lane, Suite 119 FAX 763-553-0167 Minneapolis, MN 55447 Email ö naf@ataxia.org
NATIONAL BRAILLE PRESS 617-266-6160Nonprofit organization encouraging and supporting research into the group of chronic and progressive neurological disorders known as Hereditary Ataxia. Children's Book Club 800-548-7323 88 St. Stephen Street FAX 617-437-0456 Boston, MA 02115 Email - braeder@nbp.org (President Bill Raeder) NATIONAL CENTER FOR LAW AND THE DEAF TDD/voice 202-651-5373One of five presses in the country authorized to produce books in Braille for the Library of Congress. The press does contract work and also publishes its own material, including cookbooks and computer guides and print-Braille children's books in which transparent plastic pages of Braille inserted between printed pages enable sighted parents and teachers to introduce blind youngsters to Braille as they read aloud; NATIONAL CENTER FOR LEARNING DISABILITIES 888-575-7373 381 Park Avenue South, Suite 1401 212-545-7510 New York, NY 10016 FAX 212-545-9665
NATIONAL CENTER TO IMPROVE PRACTICE IN SPECIAL EDUCATIONProvides national leadership in support of children and adults with learning disabilities THROUGH TECHNOLOGY, MEDIA, AND MATERIALS (NCIP) Education Development Center, Inc. http://www2.edc.org/NCIP/ Newton, MA
NATIONAL CHRISTIAN RESOURCE CENTERProject funded by U.S. Department of Education from 1992-1998 to promote effective ON MENTAL RETARDATION 800-369-INFO 700 Hoffmann Drive FAX 920-262-6513 Watertown, WI 53094 Email ö NCRC@BLHS.org
NATIONAL DEAF EDUCATION NETWORK AND CLEARINGHOUSEReferral to religious education programs Voice 202-651-5051 TTY 202-651-5052 FAX 202-651-5054
NATIONAL DEPRESSIVE AND MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ASSOCIATION 800-826-3632Provides information on deafness and hearing loss for persons from birth to age 21. 730 N. Franklin Street, Suite 501 312-642-0049 Chicago, IL 60610-3526 FAX 312-642-7243
NATIONAL DOWN SYNDROME CONGRESS 800-232-6372Educates patients, families, professionals, and the public concerning the nature 1800 Dempster Park Ridge, IL 60068
NATIONAL HEMOPHILIA FOUNDATION 800-42-HANDIDown syndrome clearinghouse; array of information and resources relating to Down syndrome; includes state-wide referral listings of parents groups and organizations for parents who are relocating to another state or outside the U.S. 116 W. 32nd Street, 11th Floor 212-328-3700 New York, NY 10001 FAX 212-328-3777 See Also HEMOPHILIA OF INDIANA
Provides support and promotes research toward finding cures for hemophilia and NATIONAL INFORMATION CENTER FOR CHILDREN 800-695-0285other bleeding disorders and to reducing complications of these disorders; patient AND YOUTH WITH DISABILITIES (NICHCY) Email ö nichcy@aed.org P.O. Box 1492 www.nichcy.org Washington, D.C. 20013
Office of Special Education Programs and Rehabilitative ServicesNational information and referral center that provides information on disabilities for families, educators, and other professionals. Special focus on birth to age 22. Provides information and referrals regarding specific disabilities, early intervention, special education and related services, individualized education programs, family issues, disability organizations, professional associations, education rights, transition to adult life; wide variety of publications. U.S. Department of Education Email - CustomerService@inet.ed.gov 400 Maryland Avenue, SW www.ed.gov/offices/OSERS/NIDRR/ Washington, DC 20202-0498
NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON DRUG ABUSE 301-443-1124Conducts research and related activities to maximize full inclusion, social integration, 6001 Executive Blvd. www.nida.nih.gov/ Bethesda, MD 20892-9561
NATIONAL LEGAL CENTER FOR THE MEDICALLY 812-232-0260Supports research on the health aspects of drug abuse and addiction. DEPENDENT & DISABLED, INC. Email ö tmarzen@aol.com 7 South 6th Street Terre Haute, IN 47807
NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR RARE DISORDERS (NORD) 800-999-NORDProvides support, technical assistance, and representation of critically ill persons with disabilities who are at risk from discrimination in the delivery of beneficial medical treatment. P. O. Box 8923 FAX 203-746-6481 New Fairfield, CT 06812 Email ö orphan@raredisease.org
NTID, one of the seven colleges of Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), isRefers people with rare disorders and their families to existing support groups, as well as to individuals and families with similar disorders. Maintains Rare Disease Data Base with up to date information on many rare conditions. Newsletter: Orphan Disease Update. world's first and largest technological college for deaf students. NTID represents the first concerted effort to educate large numbers of deaf students within a college campus planned principally for hearing students. Among RIT's 13,000 full- and part-time students are nearly 1,100 deaf students from the United States and other countries.
Primary mission of NTID is to provide deaf students with state-of-the-art technical and professional education programs, complemented by arts and sciences curriculum, that prepares them to live and work
in the mainstream.
Secondarily, NTID prepares professionals to work in fields related to deaf people; NEAL & SUMMERS MORTUARY, INC. 765-342-8439undertakes a program of applied research designed to enhance the social, 110 E. Poston Road FAX 765-342-0051 Martinsville, IN 46151
NEO-FIGHT 317-255-5242Special Needs Program offers guaranteed funeral trust at no additional cost at time 317-831-7770 OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION AND REHABILITATIVEA volunteer parent group supporting families experiencing perinatal crisis. SERVICES 800-USA-LEARN U.S. Department of Education Email - CustomerService@inet.ed.gov 400 Maryland Avenue, SW www.ed.gov/offices/OSERS/ Washington, DC 20202-0498
OPTIONS FOR BETTER LIVING, INC. 812-332-9615Supports programs that assist in educating children with special needs, provides for (formerly Better Living for Special People) Email ö srinne@kiva.net 301 West First Street www.kiva.net/~oblnpco/ P. O. Box 1732 Bloomington, IN 47402
3300 W. 16th StreetSupports services to people with disabilities and their families including employment and residential services (group homes, semi-independent living, alternative family for adults). Bedford, IN 47421
PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA 800-424-8200 801 18TH Street N.W. Email ö info@pva.org Washington, D.C. 20006 www.pva.org/
Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA), a congressionally chartered veterans service organization founded in 1947, has developed a unique expertise in a wide variety of issues involving the special needs of our members--veterans of the armed forces who have experienced spinal cord dysfunction. PVA uses this expertise to be a leading advocate for: Quality health care for members; Research and education addressing spinal cord dysfunction; Benefits available to our members as a result
of their military service; and Civil rights and opportunities that maximize
the independence of members.
PARENTS OF DIABETIC CHILDREN 317-253-2769Support group for families who have close friends or relatives with developmental PEDIATRIC & ADOLESCENT REHABILITATION CLINIC 317-929-5302 Clarian Health TTY 317-29-2042 Methodist Hospital 1701 N. Senate Blvd. Indianapolis, IN
PHYSICIANS AGAINST LATEX SENSITIZATION www.pals.net/Provides comprehensive inpatient and outpatient services to children from birth POSITIVE LINK 812-332-2901Not-for-profit organization for physicians committed to halting the growing epidemic 333 E. Miller Drive FAX 812-330-7902 Bloomington, IN 47401 Email ö positive_link@yahoo.com
POTOMAC TECHNOLOGY www.potomactech.com/Provides support for people living with HIV/AIDS, their families, loved ones, and friends. On-line store with TTYâs, technology for people with hearing loss, books, videos, educational media.
PRESIDENTIAL TASK FORCE ON EMPLOYMENT OF ADULTS WITH DISABILITIES 202-693-4939 U.S. Department of Labor TTY 202-693-4920 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Suite S-2220 FAX 202-693-4929 Washington, D.C. 20210 E-mail ö ptfead@dol.gov www.dol.gov/dol/_sec/public/programs/ptfead/main.htm
PRESIDENTâS COMMITTEE ON EMPLOYMENT OFWorks to create a coordinated and aggressive national policy to bring adults with PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES 202-376-6200 1331 F Street, N.W. Suite 300 TDD 202-376-6205 Washington, D.C. 20004 FAX 202-376-6219
Committee reports to the President on the progress and problems of maximizingCommunicates, coordinates and promotes public and private efforts to enhance the employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
PROGRAM ON EMPLOYMENT AND DISABILITY 607-255-7727 Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations TTY 607-255-2891 106 ILR Extension Email ö ilr_ped@cornell.edu Ithaca, NY 14853-3901 http://ilr.cornell.edu/ped/accessforall/
PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING ASSOCIATION 812-336-4492Web site offers detailed information and hands-on examples of how to make 333 E. Miller Drive Bloomington, IN 47403
See COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICESMost services are available on a sliding fee basis. Licensed by the State of Indiana and Medicare/Medicaid certified; Skilled Nursing (on call 24 hours); RAINBOW ALLIANCE OF THE DEAF Email ö secretary@rad.orgServices are provided without regard to income and are based on patient's ability to pay. Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance may cover some services. Michael S. Ratzlaff, Secretary www.rad.org/
Indianapolis Rainbow Society of the Deaf P.O. Box 441313 Indianapolis, IN 46244
RECORDING FOR THE BLIND AND DYSLEXIC (RFB&D) 609-542-0606Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf (RAD) is a nonprofit organization established in 1977. 20 Roszel Road 800-803-7201 Princeton, NJ 08540 Email ö webmaster@rfbd.org
REGISTRY OF INTERPRETERS FOR THE DEAF Voice/TTY 301-608-0050Education lending library of academic and professional textbooks on audio tape 8630 Fenton Street, Suite 324, FAX 301-608-0508 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Email - admin@rid.org
RICHLAND/BEAN BLOSSOM SCHOOL ASSISTANCE FUND 812-876-2474Provides international, national, regional, state, and local forums and an organizational Stinesville Elementary School Stinesville, IN 47464
RILEY CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL 317-274-8167Provides clothing, eye care, short-term medical/dental care for children; income guidelines. James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for Children I. U. Medical Center 702 Barnhill Drive Indianapolis, IN 46223
Ann Whitehill Down Syndrome Program 317-274-4812Offers Child Development Center (birth-adolescence) RCDC, Child Psychiatry Clinic (diagnosis/assessment), Camp Riley (for children with disabilities), Genetic Counseling, David Letterman Fund (financial assistance), Augmentative Communication, Behavior Specialist, and Myelomeningocele (Spina Bifida) Clinic. Down Syndrome Camp (Camp Hi Lite) 317-274-4812 Automotive Safety Program/Car Seat 317-274-2977 Cerebral Palsy Program 317-274-5672 RONALD McDONALD HOUSE Information 317-269-2247Riley Parent Advisory Committee (Joyce Jones) 317-542-0582 435 Limestone Street Waiting List 317-269-2247 Indianapolis, IN 46202
RURAL TRANSIT 812-876-1079Home-away-from-home for families of children who are undergoing treatment at Riley Children's Hospital and other area hospitals. Room fee $10/night; no family refused because of inability to pay. 7500 W. Reeves Road Spencer 812-829-6066 Bloomington, IN 47404 Email ö area10@bloomington.in.us
RUSH & WESTCOTT CONSULTING, INC. 812-332-7723Transportation service for individuals of all ages, including people with disabilities, in Monroe and Owen Counties. Call in advance for a bus equipped with a wheelchair lift. Free transfers to Bloomington Transit and I.U. Bus Services. Does not operate between two points within Bloomington city limits. P.O. Box 1711 Email ö rushwest@iquest.net Bloomington, IN 47402
SEARS ROEBUCK & COMPANY 800-948-8800Jane A. Rush and Rob Westcott specialize in positive behavior support for Home Health Care Catalog 800-326-1750
SEEDLINGS: BRAILLE BOOKS FOR CHILDREN 734-427-8552Health Care Catalog contains hospital-quality merchandise to address the varying needs of people with disabilities; special section on youth health care featuring products designed solely for children, from toddlers to teenagers. Products include motorized wheelchairs, bath seats, crutches. Catalog may be obtained by calling toll-free number or at local Sears store, 333-5800. P. O. Box 51924 800-777-8552 Livonia, MI 48151-5924 Email ö seedlink@aol.com
SELF HELP FOR HARD OF HEARING PEOPLE, INC. (SHHH) Voice 301-657-2248A non-rofit, tax-exempt corporation dedicated to providing children who are blind with high quality literature in Braille at affordable prices. Seedlings books extend from preschool through the sixth grade reading level and cover many areas of interest - biographies to baseball, adventures to poetry. The average price of a Seedlings book is $10.00. 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 1 TTY 301-657-2249 Bethesda, MD 20814 FAX 301-913-9413
SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN 800-237-5055Nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to the well-being of people of all 2900 Rock Point Drive Tampa, FL 33607
Also P.O. Box 31356 813-281-0300 Tampa, FL 33631-3356 www.shrinershq.org
SILVERCREST CHILDREN'S DEVELOPMENT CENTER 812-945-5287A network of 19 orthopedic hospitals and three burn hospitals and one hospital providing orthopedic, burn, and spinal cord injury care, located throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico, offering free treatment to children up to age 18. (Nearby locations include Chicago, Cincinnati, Lexington, and St. Louis.) Also publishes "Between Us" magazine, free subscriptions. P. O. Box 99 FAX 812-941-9232 New Albany, IN 47151-0099
SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Local Office 812-334-4222Provides special education, speech/language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, recreation therapy, parent training, and public school consultation. Provides short-term residential services for children ages one - 21 with multiple disabilities who are residents of Indiana. 555 E. Miller Drive 800-772-1213 Bloomington, IN 47401 TTY 800-325-0078
SOUTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE EDUCATIONSSI/Disabled Children's Program (birth - 15 years) OF YOUNG CHILDREN (SCAEYC) P.O. Box 5935 Bloomington, IN 47407 Contact: Tim Dunnuck 812-855-5053 Email ö dunnuckt@indiana.edu
SOUTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE VISUALLY IMPAIREDLocal chapter of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (SCAVI)
Meets first Thursday of month at 7 p.m. at St.
Marksâ United Methodist Church.
SOUTHERN INDIANA CENTER FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. 812-277-9626 (SICIL) TTY 812-277-9627 Stone City Mall FAX 812-277-9628 3300 West 16th Street 800-845-6914 Bedford, IN 47421 Email ö sicil@tima.com SPECIAL EDUCATION RESOURCES ON THE INTERNETConsumer-controlled, community-based, cross-disability, non-residential not-for-profit organization that promotes and practices the philosophy of independent living in six counties: Monroe, Lawrence, Jackson, Orange, Washington, and Crawford. Monroe County like the other 5 counties has its own local Outreach Coordinator that can be reached by phone, FAX, or by Email - bsrimst@kiva.net. SICIL's philosophy includes consumer control, peer support, self-help, self-determination, equal access, individual and community advocacy. Hood College 301-663-3131 401 Rosemont Avenue www.hood.edu/seri/serihome.htm Frederick, MD 21701-8575
SPECIAL OLYMPICS 812-349-3769Collection of Internet accessible information resources regarding Special Education. SPECIAL OLYMPICS STATE OFFICE 800-742-0612For developmentally disabled youth and adults, ages 8 and older. Also involves family, volunteer and community participation. Barb Dunbar, Bloomington Parks & Recreation Dept. SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY
Sue Dixon, M.A., C.C.C.-Sp. (private) 317-349-1353 Also oral-motor-feeding evaluation/consultation
SPINA BIFIDA ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA 800-621-3141 4590 MacArthur Blvd., N.W., Suite 250 202-944-3285 Washington, D.C. 20007-4226 FAX 202-944-3295 Email ö sbaa@sbaa.org SPINA BIFIDA ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL INDIANA 317-592-1630Nonprofit organization working for the prevention of spina bifida; works to enhance the P.O. Box 19814 FAX 317-577-2568 Indianapolis, IN 46219-0814 Email - pjwyman@gateway.net
STATE INFORMATION CENTER 800-382-1563Parent information and support. Membership of $25 includes newsletter, new STONE BELT 812-332-2168 2815 East 10th Street www.stonebelt.com Bloomington, IN 47401
SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME (SSI) BENEFITS 800-772-1213Community Living Services: Group homes, semi-independent living, and
TASH 410-828-8274 The Association for Persons with 410-828-6706 Severe Handicaps www.tash.org 29 W. Susquehanna Ave., Suite 210 Baltimore, MD 21204
TDI (FORMERLY TELECOMMUNICATIONS FOR THE DEAF, INC.) 800-735-2258International association for people with disabilities and their family members, other advocates, and professionals fighting for a society in which inclusion of all people in all aspects of society is the norm. 8630 Fenton Street, Suite 604 TTY 301-589-3006 Silver Spring, MD 20910-3803 FAX 301-589-3797
TECHNOLOGY ACCESS CENTER OF TUSCON, INC. Email ö tactaz@aol.comPromotes equal access in telecommunications and media for people who are deaf, Tucson, AZ
Email site for information on assistive technology.
TRACE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT CENTER 608-262-6966The Hoosier State Chapter performs many community service projects that serve children with special needs. Funds may be available for a variety of special equipment such as handicap ramps, infant hearing assessment programs, beep baseball, and hand-operated tricycles for physically impaired. College of Engineering TTY 608-263-5408 University of Wisconsin-Madison FAX 608-262-8848 5901 Research Park Boulevard Email ö info@trace.wisc.edu Madison, WI 53719-1252 http://trace.wisc.edu
TRANSITIONAL SERVICES 812-334-4007Research, development and information on augmentative communication and computer access. Clinical evaluation services also provided. 2012 Yost Avenue Bloomington, IN 47403
UNITED CEREBRAL PALSY OF GREATER INDIANA 317-632-3561Residential facilities for adults (groups homes: intensive, geriatric) 615 N. Alabama Street, Room 322 800-723-7620 Indianapolis, IN 46204-1484 FAX 317-632-3338 Email ö ucpaindy@ucpaindy.org or donnar@ucpaindy.org
ALSO UNITED CEREBRAL PALSY OF THE WABASH VALLEY 812-232-6305 1918 North 7th Street FAX 812-234-3683 Terre Haute, IN 47804 Email - ucpwv@aol.com
UNITED WAY OF MONROE COUNTY/COMMUNITY SERVICE COUNCILUnited Way agency providing information, referral, advocacy, diagnostic and treatment clinics and support services (including financial assistance, camp, etc.) to people with cerebral palsy and their families throughout Indiana. Sponsors annual scholarships for high school seniors with cerebral palsy and an annual disability awareness essay contest for elementary school children. In-service or other community education presentations about cerebral palsy and disabilities also provided to general public. 812-334-8370 441 South College Avenue Email - uw@unitedway.monroe.in.us Bloomington, IN 47403 http://www.unitedway.monroe.in.us/
VSA ARTS OF INDIANA 317-253-5505See FIRST CALL FOR HELP ö Provides information about existing services in Monroe County. Very Special Arts Indiana, Inc. TTY 317-253-5592 2506 Willowbrook Parkway, Suite 202 FAX 317-257-3628 Indianapolis, IN 46205 www.vsai.org
VISAIDS 800-865-0357Mission: To bring arts experiences to persons with disabilities as a means of enhancing learning abilities, quality of life, and self-esteem. VSAI provides arts training and technical assistance to agencies/individuals serving persons who are disabled; develops creative arts programs and resource materials; cooperates with other agencies and persons to provide arts for the disabled; works to promote awareness of the needs and benefits of such programs. 111 E. 59th Street 800-829-0500 New York, NY 10022 www.lighthouse.org
VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION SERVICES 812-332-7331Aids and appliances for people who are blind or have visual impairments. Orders shipped within 24 hours. Call or write for catalog. 302 West 2nd Street TDD 812-332-9372 Bloomington, IN 47403 WEITBRECHT COMMUNICATIONS INCORPORATED Voice/TTY 800-233-9130Monday ö Friday, 8 a.m. ö 4:30 p.m. 2716 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 1007 Voice /TTY 310-452-8613 Santa Monica, CA 90405 FAX 310-450-9918
Provides products for people who are deaf or hard
of hearing.
WHEELCHAIR DOCTOR 812-825-5050 8551 West Gardner Road FAX 812-825-5050 between 8 a.m. - Noon Bloomington, IN 47401 Email ö bicycledoctor@att.net Web site coming
WILLIE STREETER COMMUNITY GARDENS 812-349-3737Wheelchair rental, sales and repair. Electric wheelchairs and stairway elevators. All products in stock at showroom. Full line of replacement parts. Install hand controls for cars. Three-wheel electric scooters in stock. Owned by Bicycle Doctor which carries a full line of exercise and rehabilitation equipment. Bloomington parks and Recreation Email ö simmonsm@city.bloomington.in.us Winslow Woods Park (Highland Ave. opposite YMCA)
WORLD FEDERATION OF THE DEAF http://www.wfdnews.org/Ten wheelchair accessible raised beds (4â x 8â) located on a firm surface of fine Addresses the human rights of people who are Deaf and the abolishment of discrimination against Deaf communities and sign languages, Deaf education , strengthening associations of Deaf people, and assisting in the establishment of associations where none currently exist; strengthening regional work and cooperation.
This information was obtained by letter, telephone,
or email from apartment managers or representatives. Many apartment managers
are willing to make further modifications if necessary in order to provide
a living standard suitable for residents with disabilities, at the expense
of the resident. People are strongly advised to make inquiries about current
vacancies, prices and the suitability of specific living units for each
individual's needs.
ACCESSIBLE: The following criteria are met: Public and common areas are readily accessible and usable by persons with disabilities;