A slide show presentation -- montage -- of a master architect's oeuvre
delay 4000
vslide FEH2
delay 20000
vslide FEH3
delay 1000
vslide FEH4
delay 5000
vslide FEH5
delay 5000
vslide FEH6
delay 30000
The vslide command is the "view slide" command, which will show one slide on the screen.
The "delay 5000" or similar command, means that the showing of the slide will be for 5000 "milliseconds" (five seconds). Small numbers could be used here, but AutoCAD still will need to paint the slide file to the screen which will take at least one to several seconds, depending on the complexity of the slide.
The "rscript" command at the end of the script file will continuously repeat the showing of the slides from the beginning (this is optional).