This is your first exercise in this course using the AutoCAD software. This exercise will introduce you to using the menus and toolbars to select commands, using dialogue boxes to setup certain parameters, how to create "Text," how to use layers to draw on, and how to use Layouts (Paper Space and Model Space). The end result will be a so-called "Template" containing your name, the School's name, your Professor's name, and the Date, which may be used for all of your future exercises. It is designed to be plotted on an 8 1/2" x 11" (so-called "A-sized") sheet of paper using the HP Laser Jet printer.
The instructions for all of the exercises in this course are similar, and use the following key words:
"Select" means to select one of the menu words or word in a dialogue box.
"Click" means to place the cursor over a selection button or word in a dialogue box and depress the pick button once.
"Double click" means to place the cursor over a selection button or word in a dialogue box and depress the pick (left) mouse button twice in swift succession. Double clicking in a choice box in which there is a number or word will usually serve to highlight that number or word and allow you to type in a replacement.
"Right click" means to depress the right mouse button.
"Pull-down" menu is invoked by moving the AutoCAD cursor up into the status line and selecting one of the words at the top of the screen, such as "File," "Edit," "View," "Insert," "Format," "Tools," "Dimension," "Draw," "Modify," "Window," and "Help."
"Toolbar" menu are the pictures that are in rows at the top and sides of the screen.
"Palette" is one of the vertical blue bars that are on the left or right side of the screen. The Tool Palette" is on the left side of teh screen, and the "Properties" Palette is on the right by default. The Palettes can be turned on or off by selecting the Pull-down menu "Tools" and then selecting the word "Tool Palettes Window" or "Properties."
"Cursor" means one of the following (depending on the context):
"OSNAP" means to select the OSNAP menu by holding down the <shift> key and simultaneously clicking on the right button on the mouse, or if you are using a three-button mouse, depressing the middle button of the mouse. The so-called "cursor menu" will appear on the screen which will then allow you to pick any of the OSNAPping functions, which will allow a pick on a fixed point, such as an endpoint, an intersection point, a center point of a circle or an arc, a midpoint of a line or arc, etc."Type" means to type a command or a number on the keyboard.
Words which are in this typestyle indicate the words which will appear on the screen to prompt you for some action, such as Command: Line <From Point>:
Words that appear In This Typestyle in a command sequence should be typed in at the keyboard.
Words that appear in italics in a command sequence in this text are instructions and should not be typed in.
<RET> means to type the Enter key, or the Carriage Return. It can also be accomplished by clicking on the right button on the mouse.
<ESC> is the "cancel" command and is accomplished by holding down the <Esc> key on the keyboard. It is used to cancel a command in progress.
This exercise will provide experience in how to open an AutoCAD file using a Template file as a base drawing, how to do "Text" in AutoCAD, how to work with layers, how to draw lines and arcs, how to offset lines, how to move lines and arcs, and how to use the MIRROR command.
Since you will be working only on the so-called "Model"
in this exercise, select the "MODEL" tab at the bottom of the drawing
(it should be selected by default). You should always work on your drawing
geometry in so-called "Model Space." Do not select any of the "LAYOUT"
tabs, which will put the drawing into "Paper Space," which is used for laying
out various views of the model and plotting the drawing.