The purpose of this exercise
is to design and plot out on the LaserJet printer a composition of famous
and perhaps not-so-famous architecturally related quotations which you
dig up somewhere or which you crib from the quotes placed around the studio.
The exercise will contain nothing
but various styles of text. You will create ten or twelve different
styles using the fonts supplied with AutoCAD. Some of the text should be drawn
using left justification, some using right justification, some using center
or middle justification, some drawn in a circle, some drawn with the DTEXT ("Dynamic
Text") command and some with the MTEXT (Multi-line text) command. To draw
text in a circle or an arc, draw one letter (probably an "A") and array it using
the Polar array method around a center point. Then using the DDEDIT command,
change each letter to the one you need at that location. Because letters are
different widths, you may need to adjust the rotation of certain letters after
you have changed them. Thus, you will need to keep the location of the center
point of the polar array so that you can use that point as the base point for
rotation command.
You should also experiment in using
the Fit and Align justification methods, and assign different
widths to several styles to see how that affects things. All in all this is
one heck of an exercise, which will test your creative skills and is should
be a welcome break from the dry "by-the-numbers" approach which the other exercises
- Boot the computer.
- Start up AutoCAD by double-clicking
on its icon on the Windows Desktop.
- Start a new drawing using the
Triton B template file.
- You should notice that this
new drawing is called "drawing1.dwg" (as usual - AutoCAD is consistent in
naming all new drawings by this name). It will have all the characteristics
of the template file, complete with all of its layers and viewports. That
is the purpose of template files. Now save this drawing file to a new name,
which will be today's date in digits year, month and day of the month with
the letters EX2 after it, such as "2006
02 04 EX2." Select the "Save" button on the toolbar to
do this (save it in your folder, of course). Note that you do not have to
designate a filename extension for the name. AutoCAD will automatically append
the ".dwg" filename extension.
- Make the layer A-ANNO-NOTE current.
- Create several STYLES of text
and draw the text in a very beautiful composition. Unity in Variety are important
aspects of the composition. Experiment with changing colors of certain lines
of text, by using the "Modify" "Properties..." command.
- Click on the "Layout1" tab at
the bottom of the drawing and then on the word "Paper" in the status bar at
the bottom of the screen. You will see the crosshairs within the viewport.
- Zoom to extents by double-clicking
the mouse wheel, then zoom to .8x.
- Switch to pure Paper Space by
clicking on the work "Model" in the status bar at the bottom of the screen
(not the "Model" tab).
- Save the drawing: Click
on the "Save" icon on the Toolbar (the one that looks like a floppy
disk). Since you originally gave this drawing the name 2006
02 04 EX2.dwg when you first created it, it will be
automatically saved to that name again when you pick the "Save" button without
any further input from you. (AutoCAD calls this process a "Quick Save.")
- Plot this drawing using
the ColorPro printer. Change the properties in the plot dialogue box for the
printer device to show the HP ColorPro printer and ledger size paper.
Plot the drawing in Paper Space at a scale of 1=1 using the Acad.stb Plot
Style Table.
- When plotting is finished, if
you are satisfied that everything is OK, close (exit) AutoCAD, by clicking
on the X in the upper right corner of its window. You will now be back on
the Windows desktop.
- Copy the drawing from the network drive to your own
USB drive by using the Windows My Computer (right-click Copy and Paste).
This way you will have two copies of every file you create - one on the Network
Drive and one on your own portable USB drive.