This is an exercise in creating, using
and updating Blocks in AutoCAD, as well as using AutoCAD's three-dimensional
qualities. It will require working with layers, drawing lines, arcs, and
circles, creating a block and inserting it into a drawing, re-defining
the block and using the 3D commands. The end result will be a drawing which
will be plotted on the HP Laser Jet printer.
- Start up AutoCAD.
- Open the previous drawing "<date>
Art Gallery with Tables and Chairs.dwg"
- Save it as "<date> 3D Art Gallery
with Tables and Chairs.dwg."
- "Insert" block "CHAIR" in a
scratch area of the drawing. Remember how to do this from the last exercise?
If not, go back to those instructions and review the process of "Inserting"
a block.
- "Explode" this block by using the Explode
command. This will convert the block from a block to a group of lines and
a circle.
- At this point, it would be helpful to work
in an isometric view so you can see the 3D aspects of the chair. To do this,
select one of the isometric views on the "View" toolbar, or type
- Change
the thickness of all of the pieces of the exploded chair block to 2" by highlighting
them and changing the "thickness" property on the Properties Palette
to 2".
- Change the thickness of the back of the chair
(all four lines) to 1'-6".
- Change the elevation of all objects in the
chair to 1'-3" by highlighting them and changing the "elevation"
property on the Properties Palette to 1'-3".
- Change
the elevation of the circular chair pad to elevation 1'-5".
- Extrude the circular chair pad 1" using
the Extrude command (ext<RET>).
- Draw a 3D face on the top of the chair
back and on the top of the chair seat (under the pad). Select "Draw"
from the pull-down menu, then "Surfaces" then "3D Face." Then
pick the four corners of each rectangle making up the chair bottom and the
top of the chair back. 3DFACEs can be either three or four sided, they cannot
be given a thickness, but they hide surfaces behind them. You need them to
cap the top of the four lines making up the chair seat and the other four
lines making up the chair back. Otherwise, these two elements of the chair
will seem "hollow" in a 3D hidden line view. OSNAP to the corners of the back
and seat to place the four corners of each 3DFACE. Try to develop a consistent
method of snapping to these points by going either in a clockwise or counter-clockwise
direction around the corners. You will need to select all four corners, and
then type <RET><RET> to complete the 3DFACE command.
Note that you will not need to put a 3Dface on
the top of the circular chair pad, because circles come with built-in tops.
- Draw a 2" x 2" leg in each corner of the chair, with a thickness
of 1'-3" and an elevation of 0.
- Make a block out of this same changed chair
and name it "CHAIR1". AutoCAD will prompt you with the following: "Block
Chair1 exists. Redefine it? <N>" Answer Y <RET> to that question,
to proceed with redefining the block. OSNAP the insertion point of the block
to the CENter of the chair pad, but use the so-called "XY filters"
to select the Z-coordinate of the insertion point as follows:
Block "CHAIR1" Exists, redefine it?:Y<RET>
Insertion Point: .XY<RET>
of [at this point OSNAP to the CENter
of the seat pad circle]
(need Z) [at this point, type 0<RET>
(that is, "zero", not "Oh")]
Note that it is very important that the insertion
point of a 3D block be set at the 0 elevation, because it will be inserted
on the plan at elevation 0. If you simply snapped the insertion point
to the circle without using the XY filters to allow an input of the Z coordinate,
the insertion point would be located at the Z coordinate of the circle itself
which in this case is 1'-5", and thus the chairs would be set onto the plan
so that the base of their chair pads are lying on the plane of the floor,
not a desirable effect, to say the least.
- Insert the block "TABLE" in a scratch
area of the drawing.
- Explode this block.
- Move the table top up vertically in the Z
direction to 24" and change the thickness of the table top to 2".
- Draw a round base for the table, 1" thick,
with an elevation of 0, and a diameter of 20", OSNAPing its
center to the CENter of the table top.
- Draw a pedestal stem for the table with a
thickness of 23" with an elevation of 1", and with a diameter
of 2", OSNAPing its center to the CENter of the table top.
- Make a block out of this same changed table
and name it "TABLE". AutoCAD will prompt you with the following "Block
"Table" exists. Redefine it? <N>" Answer Y <RET> to that
question, and proceed with making the block. OSNAP the insertion point of
the block to the CENter of the table, again using the XY filters like
you did in step 14 to set the Z coordinate of the insertion point at 0.
- Switch to Paper Space. Change the title of
the drawing to "GALLERY SETUP WITH TABLES (3D)."
- Check that your name, the date, and the exercise
number are all correct at the bottom of the drawing. If they are not, use
the DDEDIT dialogue box to change the wording of the text.
- SAVE your drawing prior to plotting [always!].
- Plot this drawing.