Line Width

Lines in AutoCAD come in only one width. The plotted width of a line is equal to a single stroke of the plotting pen, which typically is 0.35 mm (0.012"), or the equivalent of a Rapidograph #1 technical pen. If you want a thinner line, you have to use a thinner plotter pen. The thinnest practicable pen is a 0.25 mm (0.010") which is like a Rapidograph #0 technical pen. Lineweight is set for each layer. Unless you change it, it is usually the "Default" which is 0.35mm. The layer list recommended in this manual also recommends lineweights for the layers.

The use of thicker lines in CAD drawing is desirable for the same reasons you use them in manual drafting. You would use a thick line to outline an elevation to "make it pop" to show objects which are cut through in plan and section, and to serve as a base line for elevations and sections. Layer Lineweights cannot usually provide these types of outlining, so you will need to do it yourself. The best way to do this is by drawing a polylike around the object to be highlighted and give that polyline a width.

To draw a polyline with a width, follow the sequence below:

  1. Select the "Polyline" icon from the Toolbar.

2. Pick or OSNAP to the first point of the object you are drawing.

3. Type W <RET> (for "width").

4. Type the width desired (see list below) in inches <RET><RET> (Note the two <RET>s).

5. Draw the next endpoint of the line. You may continue drawing the succeeding endpoints until the line is complete.

A polyline is a continuous group of line segments which becomes a single entity and which may have a width which you assign to it. The width of a polyline may be changed at a future time by using the "Polyline Edit" command from the Modify pull-down menu. You can even change a line or any number of connected lines into a polyline if you want to, later on, and assign a width to the "converted" polyline. So it is not necessary to pre-plan every wide line.

Recommended PolyLine Widths:

The following thicknesses (all in inches) give good results for the plot scales shown:

  1/8"=1'-0" 1/4"=1'-0" 1/2"=1'-0" 3/4"=1'-0" 1"=1'-0" 1-1/2"=1'-0"
Plan outline
Elevation edges
Elevation baseline