And Recommended Variable Settings
Variable Name | Definition
(The term "Read Only" after the definition means this variable is set by the system and cannot be changed but only viewed by the user) |
ACADPREFIX | Lists the full directory path specified by the ACAD environment variable (Read Only) |
ACADVER | Displays the AutoCAD version number (Read Only) |
AFLAGS | Bit-code for
the ATTDEF command settings.
This variable will display the following numbers: 1=Invisible selected 2=Constant mode selected 4=Verify mode selected 8=Preset mode selected |
ANGBASE | Angle measurement 0 direction with respect to the current UCS. This is normally set to 0 angle by default, i.e. 0 angle is toward the east in the World Coordinate system. This should not be changed for architectural drawings. |
ANGDIR | Indicates direction
of positive angular direction with respect to the current UCS. This should
not be changed for architectural drawings.
0=counterclockwise (the default). 1=clockwise |
APERTURE | Object snap target height in pixels. This is set to 10 by default, but should be changed to 7. |
AREA | Displays the last area computed by commands AREA, LIST, or DBLIST (Read Only) |
ATTDIA | Controls the
use of a dialogue box for entry of attribute values.
0=disables dialogue box and simply issues prompts to the command line 1=enables dialogue box to enter attribute values |
ATTMODE | Controls the
attribute display mode.
0=attribute display turned off for all attributes 1=attribute display is normal (visibility is set with atribute) 2=attribute display is turned on for all attributes |
ATTREQ | Controls request
for attribute values during insertion of a block which has been assigned
0=does not request values but assumes defaults upon insertion of the block 1=requests values for attribute upon insertion of the block |
AUDITCTL | Controls whether
an audit report file (*.adt) is created by the AUDIT command
0=disables creation of audit report file 1=enables creation of audit report file |
AUNITS | Angular units
0=decimal degrees 1=degrees/minutes/seconds 2=grads 3=radians 4=surveyor's units |
AUPREC | Angular units decimal places <whole number> |
BACKZ | Perpendicular distance from back clipping plane to target plane for the current viewport. Useful only if the back clipping plane is turned on (can be turned on or off by VIEWMODE variable). An even more useful dimension would be distance from back clipping plane to camera, which can be derived only by subtracting BACKZ distance from the camera to target distance (Read Only) |
BLIPMODE | Controls display
of marker blips
0=off 1=on |
CDATE | Current calendar date/time in format YYYYMMDD.HHMMSSmsec (Read Only) |
CECOLOR | Sets current entity color |
CELTYPE | Sets current entity linetype |
CHAMFERA | Sets first chamfer distance |
CHAMFERB | Sets second chamfer distance |
CIRCLERAD | Sets default circle radius -- to set no default, enter 0 |
CLAYER | Sets current layer |
CMDACTIVE | Bit-code indicates
what type of command is active:
1=ordinary command 2=ordinary and transparent command 4=script active 8=dialogue box active |
CMDDIA | Controls plot
command dialogue box use
0=disables dialogue box for plot command 1=enables dialogue box for plot command |
CMDECHO | Controls display
of prompts and input during execution of a lisp function
0=disables display of prompts and input 1=enables display of prompts and input |
CMDNAMES | Displays the name of the command which is currently active (Read Only) |
COORDS | Controls appearance
of coordinate display on status line
0=coordinate display is updated on pick points only 1=absolute cartesial coordinates of location of cross-hairs is continuously displayed 2=polar coordinates (distance and angle from last point) is continuously displayed when distance and angle is requested by a command |
CVPORT | Sets the identification number of the current viewport |
DATE | Displays the Julian date/time in format <Julian Date>.<Fraction of Day> |
DBMOD | Bit-code indicates
status of drawing modification (Read Only)
1=entity database modified 2=symbol table modified 4=database variable modified 8=window modified 16=view modified |
DIASTAT | Displays dialogue
box exit status (Read Only)
0=most recent dialogue box exited via "CANCEL" 1=most recent dialogue box exited via "OK" |
DIMALT | Dimension alternate
units -- default is 0
0=off 1=on |
DIMALTD | Dimension alternate unit decimal places -- default is 2, should be set to 0 for SI metric units in millimeters |
DIMALTF | Dimension alternate units scale factor: default is 25.4 which is correct for SI millimeter metric units as alternate units (inches converted to millimeters) |
DIMAPOST | Dimension alternate unit text suffix -- default is none which OK for SI metric units |
DIMASO | Dimension associative
dimensions -- default is 1 which is OK
0=disables associative dimensions 1=enables associative dimensions |
DIMASZ | Dimension arrow size -- default is 0.18, should be set to 0.09 |
DIMBLK | Dimension block to use to replace standard arrow design -- default is none |
DIMBLK1 | Dimension block
at first side of dimension to use to replace standard arrow design
-- default is none |
DIMBLK2 | Dimension block at second side of dimension to use to replace standard arrow design -- default is none |
DIMCEN | Dimension circle
or arc centermark size -- default is 0.09 which is OK
If set to a negative number, center mark passes through circle diameter and projects beyond circle by the distance equal to this value |
DIMCLRD | Dimension line color -- default is BYBLOCK |
DIMCLRE | Dimension extension line color -- default is BYBLOCK |
DIMCLRT | Dimension text color -- default is BYBLOCK |
DIMDLE | Dimension line extension -- default is 0.0 which is OK for arrows, but should be set to 0.09 if using ticks |
DIMDLI | Dimension line increment: this is the distance which each dimension line is automatically spaced from the last one when using the "continue" or "baseline" sub-commands, or when dimension text will not fit within the space between extension lines (the next dimension in a string will get offset from that one by the value of this variable) -- default is 0.38, but should be set to 0, unless you intend to use the "baseline" sub-command (which is rare in architectural drawings) |
DIMEXE | Dimension extension line extension beyone the dimension line -- default is 0.18, but should be set to 0.09 |
DIMEXO | Dimension extension line offset: this is the distance from the origin point of the dimension to the end of the extension line -- default is 0.0625 which is OK |
DIMGAP | Dimension space between dimension line and text when dimension line is broken to accommodate the dimension text -- default is 0.09 which is OK, since this is never used in architectural drawings -- dimension lines should never be broken for dimension text in architectural drawings |
DIMLFAC | Dimension scale
factor -- default is 1
This would only change if you were inserting a drawing which is dimensioned at a different scale than 1:1 -- You would set this to the reciprocal of the scale conversion factor as described in the chapter on "Scale" in this text. For instance, say you want to insert a detail to be scaled at 1"=1'-0" into a drawing which will be plotted in model space at 1/4" = 1'-0". The detail drawing would be inserted at a conversion scale factor of 4, so that it appears 4 times the size of the main drawing to be plotted at 1/4"=1'-0". The detail would then be dimensioned, first setting DIMLFAC to 1/4 (that is the reciprocal of the conversion factor. Note that none of this complicated process is necessary if you always plot your drawings in paper space at 1=1 scale, zooming the various viewports to their respective scales. |
DIMLIM | Controls the
way tolerances are displayed when using tolerances for a dimension
0=off (default) tolerances are displayed as plus-minus number 1=on tolerances are displayed in high value and low value one above the other Tolerances and therefore this variable is rarely used for architectural drawings |
DIMPOST | Dimension text
prefix, suffix, or both -- default is none
If you wanted to have the words "Above Finished Floor" appended to the dimension, while still allowing the dimension as measured by the program to be used and remain associative, you could set the value of this variable to <>Above Finished Floor The two angle brackets together represent the placement of the associative dimension |
DIMRND | Dimension rounding value -- default is 0.0, should be set to 0.625, which is 1/16" for architectural drawings |
DIMSAH | Allows use
of separate arrow blocks for each end of the dimension line
0=off (default) -- when set to off, you are not allowed to use two different blocks for the dimensioning arrows 1=on -- when set to on, you may use two different blocks for each end of the dimension line, stored as DIMBLK1 and DIMBLK2 |
DIMSCALE | Dimension overall feature scale factor -- default is 1.0 but if you want to plot your drawing in model space, you should set this variable to the plot scale factor (e.g. 1/4"=1'-0" plot scale, the plot scale factor is 48), but if you intend to plot in paper space only, set this variable to 0. It is recommended that you always plot in paper space, and that this variable should be set to 0. |
DIMSE1 | Controls drawing
of first extension line -- default is 0
0=off -- extension line is drawn 1=on -- extension line is not drawn |
DIMSE2 | Controls drawing
of second extension line -- default is 0
0=off -- extension line is drawn 1=on -- extension line is not drawn |
DIMSHO | Controls display
of update to associative dimension as it is being changed by stretching
0=off 1=on (default) |
DIMSOXD | Suppresses
outside dimension lines -- default is 0, should be set to 1
0=off -- (default) if dimension arrows do not fit between extension lines, the dimension line and arrows will be drawn to the outside of each extension line, -- this is not normally desirable in architectural drawings 1=on -- forces arrows to be drawn toward the inside of extension lines, regardless of whether they will fit, this is a better appearance for most architectural drawings |
DIMSTYLE | Dimension style -- default is *UNNAMED (Read Only) -- you can create as many styles as you want by setting variables as you wish, and using the DIM<RET> SAVE<RET>[name] command sequence, with [name] being the name you assign to the dimension style. To use a style that has already been saved, you need to restore it by using the DIM<RET>RESTORE<RET>[name] command sequence |
DIMTAD | Dimension text
above dimension line -- default is 0, should be set to 1
0=off -- dimension text will be places on the dimension line by breaking the dimension line -- this format is normally used for engineering type drawings, but is not used for architectural drawings 1=on -- dimensions always placed above the dimension line -- this is the one to use for architectural drawings |
DIMTFAC | Sets height of tolerance text with relation to main dimension text height -- default is 1.0 Recommended value is 0.75 -- no need to be concerned about this variable, since tolerances are rarely used in architectural drawings. |
DIMTIH | Sets orientation
of dimension text inside extension lines -- default is 1, should be 0
0=off -- dimension text always parallel with dimension line 1=on -- dimension text always horizontal regardless of dimension line orientation |
DIMTIX | Sets whether
text is always placed between extension lines -- default is 0, should be
0=off -- text will be placed to the right or left side of dimension if it does not fit between extension lines 1=on -- text will always be placed between extension lines regardless of whether it will fit -- this is more desirable for architectural drawings. If it becomes a problem with long dimensions overlapping dimensions, they can always be moved with the DIM<RET>TEDIT<RET> command sequence |
DIMTM | Dimension minus tolerance value -- default is 0.0 -- no need to change |
DIMTP | Dimension plus tolerance value -- default is 0.0 -- no need to change |
DIMTOFL | Sets dimension
line to be drawn inside of extension lines, whether or not text is drawn
outside of extension lines -- default is 0, should be set to 1
0=off -- will not draw inside dimension line if text is outside of extension lines 1=on -- will force dimension line to always be drawn between extension lines |
DIMTOH | Sets orientation
of dimension text outside extension lines -- default is 1, should be 0
0=off -- dimension text always parallel with dimension line 1=on -- dimension text always horizontal regardless of dimension line orientation |
DIMTOL | Sets tolerance
dimensioning -- default is 0, which is OK
0=off -- tolerance dimensioning is not used 1=on -- tolerances set by DIMTM and DIMTP are drawn Tolerances are rare in architectural drawings, and therefore this variable is not normally used |
DIMTSZ | Dimension tick
size -- default is 0.0
If set to some value other than 0, dimension will have ticks drawn in place of arrows -- if ticks are desired, this value should be set to 0.09. Arrows are recommended. |
DIMTVP | Sets dimension
text vertical position -- default is 0.0
If set to 1.0 it is equivalent to DIMTAD set to 1 (on); if set to -1.0, it will place dimension text below dimension line |
DIMTXT | Dimension text size -- default is 0.18, should be set to 0.09 |
DIMZIN | Sets zero display with dimension text -- default is 0, should be set to 3 for architectural drawings |
DISTANCE | Last distance computed by DIST command (Read Only) |
DONUTID | Sets donut inside diameter default -- can be set to 0; is automatically set to ID size of last donut drawn |
DONUTOD | Sets donut outside diameter default -- cannot be set to 0; is automatically set to ID size of last donut drawn |
DRAGMODE | Controls display
of objects when being copies or moved -- default is 2
0=off -- no dragging 1=on if requested 2=auto -- will show dragging if possible |
DRAGP1 | Regen-drag input sampling rate -- default = 10 |
DRAGP2 | Fast-drag input sampling rate -- default = 25 |
DWGCODEPAGE | Set to the system code page when new drawing is created. Can be manually set to any value used by the SYSCODEPAGE variable -- not normally used |
DWGNAME | Displays full path drive and directory and name you gave to the drawing at the SAVE or last SAVEAS command. If drawing is not yet named, it has the value of *UNNAMED (Read Only) |
DWGPREFIX | Displays full path drive and directory of drawing, but not the name (Read Only) |
DWGTITLED | Displays whether
drawing has been named yet
0=drawing has not yet been named 1=drawing has been named |
DWGWRITE | Sets read-only
0=allows opening of drawing for reading only 1=allows opening of drawing for reading and writing (default) |
ELEVATION | Sets current 3d elevation, relative to the current UCS for current space (model space or paper space) |
ERRNO | Error code number (Read Only) |
EXPERT | Sets level
of issuance of "Are you sure?" prompts
0=issues all prompts (default) 4= suppresses preceding prompts and those issued by the "UCS Save" and "VPORTS Save" if the name you supply already exists 5= suppresses preceding prompts and those issued by the "DIM SAVE" and "DIM OVERRIDE" commands if the dimension style name you supply already exists. |
EXTMAX | Upper-right 3d point of drawing extents (Read Only) |
EXTMIN | Lower-left 3d point of drawing extents (Read Only) |
FILEDIA | Controls use
of dialogue boxes for command input
1= on -- use file dialogue boxes if possible |
FILLETRAD | Sets fillet radius |
FILLMODE | Controls display
of fill in wide polylines, solids, donuts, arrowheads, and traces
0=fill is turned off, is not visible and will not plot 1=fill is turned on, is visible in views perpendicular to plane of object (plan only) and will plot |
FRONTZ | Perpendicular distance from front clipping plane to target plane for the current viewport. Useful only if the front clipping plane is turned on and "front clip not at eye bit" is turned on (these can be turned on or off by VIEWMODE variable). An even more useful dimension would be distance from front clipping plane to camera, which can be derived only by subtracting FRONTZ distance from the camera to target distance (Read Only) |
GRIDMODE | Sets display
grid on or off
0=grid display turned off 1=grid display turned on |
GRIDUNIT | Sets grid spacing for current viewport, X and Y dimensions |
GRIPBLOCK | Controls assignment
of grips in blocks
0=assigns grip to insertion point (default) 1=assigns grips to entities within the block |
GRIPCOLOR | Sets color of non-selected grips, drawn as a box in outline -- default value is 5 (blue) |
GRIPHOT | Sets color of selected grips, drawn as a filled box -- default value is 1 (red) |
GRIPS | Controls use
of selection set grips
0=disables grips 1=enables grips for Stretch, Move, Rotate, Scale, and Mirror modes (default) |
GRIPSIZE | Sets size in pixels of grip box -- default is 3, which is OK |
HANDLES | Displays Handles
setting (Read Only)
0=Handles disabled 1=Handles enabled |
HIGHLIGHT | Sets object
selection highlighting
0=highlighting of selected objects turned off 1=highlighting of selected objects turned on |
HPANG | Sets default hatch pattern angle |
HPDOUBLE | Sets whether
"U" user-defined hatch patterns will be cross-hatched (doubled)
0=doubling disabled 1=doubling enabled |
HPNAME | Sets default
hatch pattern name
To set to no default hatch pattern, enter . (that is "dot" or "period") |
HPSCALE | Sets default hatch pattern scale factor. Must be non-zero. |
HPSPACE | Sets default hatch pattern line spacing for "U" user-defined hatch patterns. Must be non-zero |
INSBASE | Insertion Base point in the current coordinate system coordinates |
INSNAME | Default Block name for the INSERT command. To set to no default name, enter a . (period) |
LASTANGLE | The end angle of the last arc entered (Read Only) |
LASTPOINT | The coordinates of the last point entered |
LENSLENGTH | Length of the camera lens in millimeters used in perspective viewing (Read Only) |
LIMCHECK | Limits checking for the current space, 1=on, 0=off |
LIMMAX | Upper right corner of the Limits expressed in World Coordinate system |
LIMMIN | Lower-left corner of the Limits expressed in World Coordinate system |
LOGINNAME | Displays the Userâs name as configured (REad Only) |
LTSCALE | Global Linetype scale factor |
LUNITS | Drawing Units
1=scientific (do not use) 2=decimal (use for metric drawings) 3=engineering (do not use) 4=architectural (use for most all drawings -- feet and inches) 5=fractional (do not use) |
LUPREC | Drawing unit number of decimal places or fractional denominator smallest value |
MACROTRACE | Debugging tool for Diesel language expressions |
MAXACTVP | Maximum number of viewports to regenerate at one time |
MAXSORT | Maximum number of symbol or file names to be sorted by listing commands. Default value = 200. What this means is that, for instance, if there are more than 200 layers, the layer list will not get sorted alphabetically. To allow it to sort, change the MAXSORT variable to some number greater than the number of layers. |
MENUCTL | Controls the
page switching of the Screen menu.
0=Screen menu does not switch pages in response to keyboard command entry 1=Screen menu switches pages in response to keyboard command entry (default) |
MENUECHO | Controls display
of menu items:
0=all menu items and system prompts are displayed (default) 1=supresses echo of menu items 2=supresses printing of system prompts during menu 4=Disables ^P toggle of menu echoing 8=debugging aid for Diesel language macros |
MENUNAME | The name of the currently loaded menu (Read Only) |
MIRRTEXT | 0=text retains
its right reading direction when mirrored
1=text will read backwards when mirrored. |
MODEMACRO | Allows you to display a text string in the status line, such as the name of the current drawing, time/date stamp, or special modes. |
OFFSETDIST | Sets the default offset distance. If you enter a negative number, it defaults to the "Through" mode. |
ORTHOMODE | 0=Ortho Off
1=Ortho On |
OSMODE | Sets the Running
Mode of OSNAP
0=None 1=Endpoint 2=Midpoint 4=Center 8=Node 16=Quadrant 32=Intersection 64=Insertion 128=Perpendicular 256=Tangent 512=Nearest 1024=Quick Setting number values can be added to obtain combinations of Running OSNAP mode, for instance, number 33 could only mean, Endpoint (1) and Intersection (32) combination |
PDMODE | Graphic display
of points, for example:
0= normal point 1=no display of point 3=point that looks like an X |
PDSIZE | Graphic size display of points |
PERIMETER | Perimeter of Pline, circle, arc, etc., as computed by the AREA or LIST commands (Read Only) |
PFACEMAX | Maximum number of vertices per face (Read Only) |
PICKADD | Controls additive
selection of entities
0= Disables PICKADD. The most recently selected entities becomes the object selection set. You cannot add more just by picking more. To add entities to the object selection set, hold the <Shift> key down while picking. This mimics the way most other Windows software works. 1=Enables PICKADD. Each entity that is selected becomes part of the object selection set. To remove entities from the object selection set, hold the <Shift> key down while picking (default) |
PICKAUTO | Controls automatic
windowing during object selection.
0=Disables PICKAUTO 1=Allows you to create a selection window or crossing window automatically while selecting objects, if you did not pick directly on an object (default) |
PICKBOX | Pickbox (object selection box) size in pixels |
PICKDRAG | Controls method
of creating a selection window
0=You draw the selection window by clicking the mouse at one corner and then the other corner (default) 1=You draw the selection window by clicking on one corner, holding down the mouse button, and releasing the mouse button at the other corner. This mimics the way most other Windows software works. |
PICKFIRST | Controls the
method of entity selection so that you can select objects first, and then
use an edit/inquiry command
0=Disables Pickfirst 1=Enables Pickfirst (default) |
PLATFORM | Indicates which version of AutoCAD is in use (Read Only) |
PLINEGEN | Sets linetype
pattern generation around the vertices of a 2D polyline.
0=linetype pattern starts and ends at each polyline vertex 1=linetype is generated in a continuous pattern through the polyline vertices. (does not apply to tapered segments) |
PLINEWID | Default polyline width. Can be set to 0, which makes polylines plot at pen width. |
PLOTID | Default plotter by plotter description set in Config |
PLOTTER | Default plotter by plotter number set in Config |
POLYSIDES | Default number of sides for Polygon command. Range is 3 to 1024. Default is 4. |
POPUPS | 0=display driver
does not support dialogue boxes, menu bar, pull-down menus, and icon menus.
1=display driver supports dialogue boxes, menu bar, pull-down menus, and icon menus. (Read Only) |
PSLTSCALE | Controls paper
space linetype scale
0=No special linetype scale in paper space 1=Viewport scaling is multiplied times variable LTSCALE to compute linetype scales in paper space viewports (this setting is recommended) |
PSPROLOG | Assigns a name for a Prologue section to be read from the ACAD.PSF file when using the PSOUT command. |
PSQUALITY | Controls rendering quality of Postscript images. |
QTEXTMODE | 0=Quicktext
mode off (line of text appears and plots as readable words)
1=Quicktext mode on (line of text appears and plots as rectangles) |
REGENMODE | 0=Regenauto
1=Regenauto on |
RE-INIT | Reinitializes
the I/O ports, digitizer, display, plotter, and ACAD.PGP file.
1=digitizer port reinitialization 2=plotter port reinitialization 4=digitizer reinitialization 8=display reinitialization 16=ACAD.PGP file reinitialization |
SAVEFILE | Current AutoSave filename (Read Only) |
SAVENAME | Filename you save drawing to (Read Only) |
SAVETIME | Automatic save interval, in minutes. If you do not want to save the drawing automatically, set SAVETIME to 0. Drawing is automatically saved to file AUTO.SV$. If your drawing file becomes corrupt for any reason, you can copy the file AUTO.SV$ to your filename, and you will have saved your file. |
SCREENBOXES | The number of boxes in the screen menu area of the graphics area. If screen menu is disabled, SCREENBOXES=0 (Read Only) |
SCREENMODE | Bit code indicating
the state of the display
0=text screen is displayed 1=graphics mode is displayed 2=dual screen configuration (Read Only) |
SCREENSIZE | Current viewport size in pixels, X and Y (Read Only) |
SHADEDGE | 0=faces shaded,
edges not highlighted
1=facxes shaded, edges drawn in background color 2=faces not shaded, edges in entity color 3=faces in entity color, edges in background color |
SHADEDIF | Ratio of diffuse reflective light to ambient light, in percent of diffuse reflective light |
SHPNAME | Default Shape name |
SKETCHINC | SKETCH command record increment |
SKPOLY | 0=SKETCH command
generates individual lines
1=SKETCH command generates connected polylines |
SNAPANG | Snap/Grid rotation angle for current viewport |
SNAPBASE | Snap/grid origin point, in current UCS X and Y coordinates |
SNAPISOPAIR | Current isometric
plane on which you are drawing
0=left 1=top 2=right |
SNAPMODE | 0=snap off
1=snap on |
SNAPSTYL | 0=rectangular
snap grid
1=isometric snap grid |
SNAPUNIT | Snap spacing, X and Y dimensions |
SORTENTS | Controls display
of entity sort order operations.
0=Disables SORTENTS 1=Sort for object selection 2=sort for object snap 4=sort for redraws 8=sort for MSLIDE slide creation 16=sort for regens 32=sort for plotting 64=sort for PostScript operation 96=sort for plotting and PostScript operation (32+64=96) (default) |
1= invisible edges of 3dFACEs are displayed, control polygon for spline fit polylines is displayed, only the defining surface of a mesh is displayed. |
SPLINESEGS | Number of line segments to be generated for each spline patch |
SPLINETYPE | Type of spline
curve to be drawn by PEDIT SPLINE command.
5=quadratic B-Spline 6=Cubic B-Spline |
SURFTAB1 | Number of tabulations to be drawn for RULESURF and TABSURF commands, and mesh density in the M direction for REVSURF and EDGESURF commands. |
SURFTAB2 | Mesh density in the N direction for the REVSURF and EDGESURF commands. |
SURFTYPE | Type of surface
fitting to be performed by PEDIT SMOOTH command.
5=quadratic B-spline surface 6=cubic B-spline surface 8=Bezier surface |
SURFU | Surface density in the M direction |
SURFV | Surface density in the N direction |
SYSCODEPAGE | System code page specified in the ACAD.XMF file (Read Only) |
TABMODE | Controls use
of the Tablet Mode
0=Disables Tablet Mode 1=Enables Tablet Mode |
TARGET | Location of the Target Point (where you are looking) (Read Only) |
TDCREATE | Time and Date of drawing creation (Read Only) |
TDINDWG | Total editing time (Read Only) |
TDUPDATE | Time and Date of last save of drawing (Read Only) |
TDUSRTIMER | User elapsed timer (Read Only) |
TEMPPREFIX | Directory for placement of temporary files (*.AC$ files) (Read Only) |
1= text starting with an opening parenthesis "(" or an exclamation point "!" is evaluated as an AutoLISP expression (default) |
TEXTSIZE | Default height for new text entities, unless the current text style has been given a fixed text height. |
TEXTSTYLE | Current text style |
THICKNESS | current entity thickness (vertical distance from the bottom of an entity to its top) |
1= Enables paper space and viewport entities |
TRACEWID | Trace entity width (Note that Traces are not used very much any more -- they have been functionally replaced by Polylines) |
TREEDEPTH | A 4-digit (maximum) code that specifies the number of times the tree-structured spatial index may divide into branches. This code number affects the speed in which AutoCAD searches the database before completing an action. |
TREEMAX | Limits memory consumption during drawing regeneration by limiting the maximum number of nodes in the spatial index created with the variable TREEDEPTH. |
1= change to a new UCS will automatically change to a plan view (X-Y plane) in the new UCS |
1= UCSICON is visible 2= UCSICON is located at the origin of the current UCS |
UCSNAME | Name of the current UCS (Read Only) |
UCSORG | Origin point of the current UCS, in World Coordinate System X,Y, and Z coordinates (Read Only) |
UCSXDIR | X-direction of current UCS (Read Only) |
UCSYDIR | Y-direction of current UCS (Read Only) |
UNDOCTL | Indicates state
of UNDO feature
2= only one command can be undone 4= Auto-group mode is enabled 8= Undo group is currently active |
UNDOMARKS | Number of marks that have been placed in the UNDO control stream by the UNDOâs command Mark option. (Read Only) |
1= displays fractional, feet and inches, and surveyorâs units in input format |
USERI1-5 | 5 user-created variables for storage and retrieval of integer values |
USERR1-5 | 5 user-created variables for storage and retrieval of Real Numbers |
USERS1-5 | 5 user-created variables for storage and retrieval of text string data |
VIEWCTR | Center of view in current viewport in X and Y coordinates (Read Only) |
VIEWDIR | Current viewportâs viewing direction (Read Only) |
2= front clipping on 4= back clipping on 8= UCS Follow mode on 16= Front clip not at eye |
VIEWSIZE | Height of view in current viewport in feet and inches (Read Only) |
VIEWTWIST | View twist (rotation) angle (Read Only) |
1= current drawing layer visibility, color, and linetype settings overrides the XREF drawingsâ layer settings |
VSMAX | The upper-right corner of the current viewportâs virtual screen (Read Only) |
VSMIN | The lower-left corner of the current viewportâs virtual screen (Read Only) |
1= the current UCS is the World Coordinate System |
1= when DVIEW or VPOINT commands are used, the coordinate system is automatically changed to the WCS for the duration of the command (default) |
1= XREF log files are created |