Instructions for entering the
Online Classroom without Walls!

You must have a Triton College student identification number to log into your course!!!

It is highly recommended that you print out these instructions for the first time and to keep handy while you become familiar with the working of the online course management tools.

Note:     All students have been assigned a login and password which will be used to enter into the online course tools. The assigned setting for your login is the last eight (8) digits of your student photo id number and your password or pin is the last four (4) digits of your social security number. The computer will prompt you to enter this information at the appropriate time.

You may enter into the online course managment tools ie, blackboard, anytime during the day or night. Whatever time is convenient and/or appropriate, it is accomplished in one of four methods:

1. At the URL location position of your web browser (isp) type in, the URL of :

2. At the bottom left of this page, or by clicking on the highlighted link: Online Course Tools.

3. Return to my home page and left click on the "Courses" navigation icon on the left, locate the course you are registered and "left click" on the appropriate course selection, i.e. "Introduction to Corrections." Once at the course page select the "Blackboard Online Course Tool;" left click on it.

4. Go to the Triton College homepage ( and left click on "Student Portal" and then select "Online Courses." Click on the first option which is to enter in "BlackBoard Courses" There are several incons on the page. Select "Log In-Blackboard."

Returning students: This is a change from previous semesters!

After following one of the above methods, the computer will bring you a login box requesting your username and password. Enter the last eight (8) digits of your Triton College student identification card number for your username and and your password is the last four digits of your social security number. Students without identification cards can obtain your photo id number by following the below steps:

1. Go to "student portal" on the Triton Homepage, and select "My Triton Space" on the drop down menu.

2. Go to the second option, "Enter your Student SSN or assigned Student ID number (No spaces or dashes) and PIN number." Your default PIN is the 4 digit   month and day of your birth (mmdd).  Once you log on you have the option to change it.

3. Once you have enter the information and submitted it, your photo identification number can be found on the link to the left labeled "Student Photo ID"

At this time you have successfully entered into the "electronic classroom" when you see the title of you course and section. Most of your work will take place under the Course Content, Bulletin Board, or Private Mail. It is highly recommended that you read the start here page completely before attempting any course work.

Blackboard Online Course Tools.