INSTRUCTOR Mr. Joseph Stolz
PHONE NO. 708-456-0300 ex 3256
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OFFICE HOURS __________________________
SEMESTER ______________________________
CLASS MEETING __________________________

VIC 261 Adobe Photoshop: Production
This course is designed to expose the student to advanced operations of Adobe Photoshop. Through a series of image modification projects, students will develop the skills that are needed to work efficiently in a pre-press production environment. VIC 161 Photoshop recommended prior to this class.


Upon successful completion of this course each student will:
•Demonstrate the ability to correctly identify the components that are part of the configuration necessary to   create digital color images.
•Demonstrate their ability to use the industry's current image manipulation software, Adobe Photoshop.
•Demonstrate an understanding of the different types of image capture methods used by the industry.
•Demonstrate an understanding of the various forms of file format used in color imaging.
•Demonstrate their ability to transfer image data from digital cameras.
•Demonstrate their ability to capture image data from color scanners.
•Demonstrate their ability to generate a digital and conventional color proof.
•Demonstrate an understanding of the different forms of data storage available.
•Demonstrate their ability to modify the various forms of image storage media.
•Demonstrate their ability to transfer data using a system network.
•Demonstrate their ability to transfer image data to cd media.
•Demonstrate the skills required to output a color image using software/hardware to industry standards.
•Demonstrate the understanding of using image manipulation software to perform specific modifications to color   images.

The final course grade is computed on the basis of percentages and the final relative weight assigned each activity used to compute the final grade. The activities used to compute the final course grade as well as their relative weights are as follows:

Activity Weight
Projects 75%
Final Exam 25%

General Evaluation Procedures:
All grades in this course are awarded as percentages. These percentages will range from a low of zero for incomplete, late or undone assignments to a high of 100% for perfectly done assignments. The percentage range and the letter grade assigned to each range is as follows:

100 - 98 = A+ 87 - 82 = B 71 - 70 = C- 59 - 0 = F
97 - 92 = A 81 - 80 = B- 69 - 68 = D+  
91 - 90 = A- 79 - 78 = C+ 67 - 62 = D  
89 - 88 = B+ 77 - 72 = C 61 - 60 = D-  

To receive a Grade of “C”:
The student must fulfill the minimum course requirements outlined in this syllabus. In addition, all graded course assignments must be completed and turned in to the instructor by the conclusion of the final class session preceding the final examination and a weighted average minimum percentage score of 70% must have been earned.

To receive a final course grade of “W”:

More than three (3) unexcused absences or voluntary withdrawal prior to the semester withdrawal deadline.

To receive a final course grade of “I”:
Illness or other extenuating circumstances preventing completion of not more than 25% of a student’s work when the 75% completed is of average quality or better.

Academic Honesty is built on personal commitment, honest work and academic development. It is understood that each student will turn in their own work for each assignment, plagiarism will be administered as defined in the college catalog.

• Review of Mac operations
• Photoshop preferences
• Network operations
• Resolution for output
• Image file format conversions
• Digital color proofing
• Color images from digital cameras
• CD image file formats
• System calibration
• Output of color files to digital proofer
• Output of color files to film
• Conventional color
• Scanner comparison - Flatbed to Rotary Drum
• Image conversion (analog to digital)
• Resolution/File size
• Image file format conversions
• Photoshop Topics
    Scanning, Resolution, and Resizing
    Retouch Methods
    Outlining Images
    Clipping Paths
    Color Correction
    Image Combine
    Image Compression Formats
    Drop Shadows
    Spot Colors
    Trapping Colors
    Halftone Reproduction Requirements
    Color Image Matching
    Color Management
    Color Image Requirements

USB Removable Drive

Real World Photoshop, Peachpit Press.

•Old Photo
•Clipping Path
•Flat Color/Trap
•Spot Color
•Black & White Images
    Four Methods
      B & C
•Split Image
•Overall Color Adj. RGB
    Red Image
    Night Image
    Butterfly Image
•Overall Color Adj. CMYK
    Red Image
    Night Image
    Butterfly Image
•Color Correction
    Boat Image
    City Image
    Parrot Image
    Vacation Image
    2 Men Image
•Selective Color Correction
•Match Color
•Sharpen Image
•Correct Images

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