
RHT 086

Introduction to College Reading II

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course covers the development of reading and study skills neccessary for comprehending college textbooks. Strategies emphasized are those needed for success in content courses.


Bridging the Gap - by Brenda Smith

The Color of Water - by James McBride

Collegiate Dictionary 

ADDITIONAL MATERIALS:  A folder for Newsweek magazines, a small, spiral notebook to write journal entries, and package of 3x5 index cards for vocabulary words.

That the student gain increased confidence and competence in the following areas:

  • Comprehension
    • setting purpose
    • differentiating between main ideas and supporting detail
    • comprehension monitoring
    • recognizing patterns of organization
    • summarizing
  • Study skills
    • goal setting
    • time management
    • note taking
    • memory testing
    • outlining
    • test taking
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