
RHT 101 

Freshman Rhetoric/
Composition I

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Freshman Rhetoric I emphasizes logical, coherent writing skills for competency in any school or professional writing situation.


The St. Martin's Guide to Writing (7th Edition - by Axelrod and Cooper.

ADDITIONAL MATERIALS REQUIRED:  One 3 1/2" disk, and 3 x 5 index cards.


  1. To demonstrate mastery of the techniques of the composing process:
    • invention or gathering and shaping information
    • planning and organizing
    • drafting
    • editing
    • proofreading
  2. To demonstrate mastery of basic word processing as an aid to the composing process.
  3. To produce four essays, 750 - 1000 words in length, demonstrating ability to narrate, describe, argue and defend an opinion or proposal, and interpret.
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