
RHT 102 

Freshman Rhetoric/
Composition II

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Freshman Rhetoric II develops student skills in analytical, critical and evaluative writing, as well as research methodology.


Literature and the Writing Process - McMahan, Day and  Funk

A Writer's Resource - Maimon and Peritz

The Awakening - Kate Chopin, edited by Nancy A. Walker, Second Edition

ADDITIONAL MATERIALS REQUIRED:  One 3 1/2" disk, and 3 x 5 index cards.


  •  Using basic techniques of research
    • to become familiar with using basic tools of research:  periodical indexes, standard reference works and computerized databases.
    • to use basic techniques of research:  developing bibliographies, notetaking, outlining, and documentation.
    • to use evidence drawn from researched sources to support essay arguments of analysis, evaluation and interpretation.
  • Developing an extensive (8-10 page) research paper.
  • Reading and discussing selected literary works
    • to understand the literal meaning of the texts.
    • to recognize and analyze the rhetorical and literary techniques used in the stories, poems and plays.
    • to interpret and explore themes and ideas found in the texts.
  • Developing essays of critical analysis and interpretation of the literary texts
    • to recognize patterns of symbols, character, plot, structure, imagery, etc. in the literary texts.
    • to discover themes and ideas expressed by these patterns in the texts.
    • to generate and synthesize textual evidence in order to support a workable thesis of interpretation.
    • to organize reasons and evidence for arguments of interpretation into coherent essays.
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