101 Review Sheet, Ch. 9

1. What is the difference between neurons and neuroglial cells?

2. List three functions of the nervous system:

3. Define resting potential:

4. Define synapse:

5. How are impulses on myelinated axons conducted differently than ones on unmyelinated fibers?

6. How do neurons communicate with each other?

7. Distinguish between sensory, motor & mixed nerves.

8. Distinguish between ascending and descending tracts of the spinal cord:

9. With what function is the limbic system associated?
10. Name three functions associated with the brain stem:

11. What are cranial nerves?

a. PNS nerves in the cranium
b. Nerves that mainly supply the face
c. They handle taste, talking, hearing, eyesight
d. All of the above

12. The function of the cerebellum is:

a. To initiate skeletal muscle movements
b. To coordinate skeletal muscle movements
c. Eyesight
d. All of the above

13. Distinguish between the general functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system:

14. What is the role of the cerebellum in athletics? The cerebrum?

15. A newborn with anencephaly lacks higher brain structures, possessing only a brain stem. What functions would such a baby have? What would he/she lack?

16. What functional losses would you expect in a patient who has suffered injury to the right occipital lobe of the cerebral cortex?

17. A reflex called the biceps-jerk reflex employs motor neurons that exit from the spinal cord in the 5th spinal nerve (C5). Another reflex called the triceps-jerk reflex utilizes motor neurons in the 7th spinal nerve (C7). How might these reflexes help locate the site of damage in a patient with a neck injury?

18. In multiple sclerosis, nerve fibers in the CNS lose their myelin. Why would this loss affect control of skeletal muscle function?

19. Why are rapidly growing cancers that originate in nervous tissue most likely composed of neuroglial cells rather than neurons?

20. Intravenous drug abusers sometimes dissolve and then inject tablets that contain fillers, such as talc or cornstarch, in addition to the drug. These fillers may obstruct tiny blood vessels in the cerebrum. What problems might such obstructions create?

21. Some drugs effect how long a neurotransmitter remains in the synaptic cleft. If a drug blocks the removal of a NT from the synapse, how might change the NT’s effect on the postsynaptic cell?

22. If someone’s hearing is defective after a head trauma, and the hearing mechanism inside the ear appears to be fine, where might you look, specifically, for injury?

23. Narcolepsy is a disorder where people uncontrollable fall asleep without warning. What part of the brain might not be working properly?