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Explore America

        EF Center Boston

        One Education Street

        Cambridge, MA 02141

Tel. (617) 619-1350

E-mail: exp/ore@ef com 

Fax: (617) 619-1805
August 24, 2000

Allen Salzman 224 S OAK PARK AVE Oak Park, IL 60302 3233

Dear Allen

Thank you for your recent inquiry about EF Explore America's exciting travel programs. In keeping with EF's extraordinary value, we are pleased to provide you with the following price quote. Note that airline surcharges are not included, if applicable.

Requested tour: Hawaii: The Island State(6 Day) Tour length: 6 days Requested date of departure: March 9, 2001 Departure city: Chicago. Requested transportation: Flight

Registration Fee:            $    45.00

Program Fee:                $1595.00

Total for students:        $1640.00  ("students" are defined as persons 24 years old)

Adult Supplement:        $ 140.00 ( $40.00 + 20.00/night)

Total for adults:            $1780.00 ("adults"are defined as persons 25 years old)

Optional Excursions

Polynesian Cultural Center: $75.00

Please refer to the Booking Conditions in EF Explore America's program brochure for payment plans and deadlines. Should you have any questions, I would be happy to discuss this quote with you at any time.

We look forward to working with you in the coming months, and to providing you with our exciting educational tour.


Michael Welch EF Explore America Tour Consultant
