The following videos, films, computer programs, and audio recordings are
available in the Triton College Library. Ask for them at the "Media Center"
on the main floor, West side. Students can use these materials in the library
and the staff will help you set up the projector, computer or player if
you need help. Be sure to ask for them by giving the item's number
as well as the title.
Philosophy/Ethics/World Religions Resources
Introduction to Philosophy (PHL101)
Plato (VHS Video) #1841
Conversations about Plato's philosophy, especially his metaphysics.
The Cave (VHS Video) #0717
Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" from Book VII of "The Republic."
Aristotle (VHS Video, 46 minutes) # 1842
A conversation with Martha Nussbaum about Aristotle's metaphysics,
and a bit about ethics.
Powers of Ten (VHS Video) #1108
Scientific illustration of Pascal's thoughts on where man fits into
the cosmos.
Rashomon (VHS Video) #0292
Academy-Award winning feature-length film of "In a Grove," with
a few new twists.
Ethics (PHL103)
Ethics in America (VHS Video, 11 videocasettes, 60 minutes each) #0746
through #0756
"Do unto Others;" "To Defend a Killer;" "Public Trust, Private Interest;"
"Does Doctor Know Best?;" "Anatomy of a Corporate Takeover;" "Under Orders,
Under Fire pt. 1;" "Under Orders, Under Fire pt. 2;" "Truth on Trial;"
"The Human Experiment;" "Politics, Privacy and the Press;" "The Politics
of Privacy." Thought-provokiing discussions with well-known panelists on
ethical issues
Facing Evil (VHS Video, 90 minutes) #1844
conversations with several people who have confronted evil, including
Phillip Hallie (about the village of Le Chambon) and Maya Angeou. [BJ 1401
.F25 1995]
Weapons of the Spirit (VHS Video, 90 minutes, 1989) #1858
Documentary film made by interviewing the residents of the village
of Le Chambon in France, about their experiences hiding over 4,000 children
from the Nazis.
Medieval Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas (VHS Video) #1843
Good over-view of the philosophy of Aquinas, showing his debt to Aristotle
and his connection to Christianity.
Dante's Inferno (VHS Video) # 1869
8 short 11-minute segments illustrati1869ng the first cantos of the
Inferno. BBC Production with the voice of Sir John Gielguid as Virgil.
(caution: All the souls in hell are nude, as are the actors in this
World Religions (PHL105)
Hinduism and Buddhism (VHS Video, 60 minutes) #1837
First in the series "The Wisdom of Faith," conversations between Huston
Smith and Bill Moyers. This covers Smith's experiences in India studying
Hinduism and Smith's experiences in a Zen Buddhist monastery in Japan.
Confucianism (VHS Video, 60 minutes) #1838
Second in the series "The Wisdom of Faith," conversations between Huston
Smith and Bill Moyers. This covers Smith's experiences as a child of Methodist
missionaries in China, and his interest in reconciling other religious
insights with his Christian origins.
Christianity and Judaism (VHS Video, 60 minutes) #1839
Third in the series "The Wisdom of Faith," conversations between Huston
Smith and Bill Moyers. This covers Smith's experiences as a parent of a
convert to Judaism, and his own Christian tradition.
Islam (VHS Video, 60 minutes) #1836
Fourth in the series "The Wisdom of Faith," conversations between Huston
Smith and Bill Moyers. This covers Smith's adult study of Islam and Smith's
own Islamic practice of prayer and a discussion of Sufism.
A Personal Philosophy (VHS Video, 60 minutes) #1840
Last in the seriers "The Wisdom of Faith." A personal discussion with
Huston Smith of what he has learned and personally used from his study
of the world's religions, where they are saying the same things, and where
they are different.
Hinduism and the Song of God (VHS Video) #1852
Discussion of the Bhagavad Gita.
Three Paths: Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. (VHS Video) #____
Very good comparison of these three traditions.
Encounters with Truth. (VHS Video) DS480.853 .E57 1990
Examines the life and ideas of Rajmohan Gandhi, especially his practice
of non-violence.
Gandhi (VHS Video) #0833
Feature-length film of life of Gandhi
The Primal Mind. (VHS Video) #1854
"Primal" religious traditions around the world.
Minennium: Tribal Wisdom and the Modern World. (VHS Video) GN380 .M5
Comparison of traditions.
Religion in the South Seas. (VHS Video) BR1495.S3 R45 1995
A look at religion in Samoa.
The Feast (VHS Video) F2520.1.Y3
Religious Practices among the Yanomamo Indians.
The Five Pilars of Islam (VHS Video) #1856
Excellent over-view of the five basic components of Islam.
Dervishes of Kurdistan (VHS Video) #1005
Documentary on Muslim mystics practices
The Voice of Zarathustra (VHS Video) #1857
A look at the religious tradition of Zoroastrianism.
Religions of the World (CD-ROM Computer Software) BL80.2 .R4 1995
Excellent point-by-point comparisons of world religions regarding practices,
beliefs, holidays, social teachings, role of women, view of war, etc.
Theater Resources
Intro to Theater (SPE130)
Oedpius Rex (VHS Video) PA4414.O7 Y4 1988
Sophocles' play in the Guthrie/Yeats production: Full masks, costumes,
chorus, over-acting.
Antigone (VHS Video) #0696
Sophocles' sequel to Oedipus. More trouble for the House of Thebes
The Age of Sophocles (16mm film, 24 minutes) # ____
Good introduction to Greek theater and Sophocles, author of Oedipus
Lysistrata (VHS Video) PA3875 .L8 1987
Aristophanes' comedy about women going on strike to end a war.
York Mystery Plays: The Annunciation and Joseph's Trouble about Mary
(VHS Video) #1846
Scenes from these two early liturgical plays, showing the changes in
theater in the middle ages.
The Canterbury Tales (VHS Video) PR1872 .R3 1990
Chaucer's Canterbury Tales; Italian production, but in English.
Uncle Vanya (VHS Video) PG3456.D5 G3 1990
Chekhov's classic Russian play.
Death of a Salesman (VHS Video) #1449
Miller's classic drama about dreams that die hard.
All My Sons (VHS Video) #0504
Arthur Miller's drama about a familly's struggles with profit, family,
and patriotism
The Ancient Greek Theater (CD-ROM Computer Program) PA3201 .B48 1996
Excellent interactive exploration of Greek theater.
The Origin of the Drama and Theater (VHS Video) PN1721 .O7 1991
Drama: Producing a Play (VHS Video) PN3171 .D73 1996
International Travel Resources
Italy, Greece, etc. (HUM296)
Roman City (VHS Video) TA16 .R65
PBS show about Roman civil engineering and city design.
Pompeii (VHS Video) #1847
A tour of the Roman city of Pompeii, buried in the volcanic eruption
of 79 A.D. and now partly uncovered.
The Renaissance of Florence (CD-ROM Computer Software) DG737.55 .R4
Excellent survey of art, music, literature and history of the Renaissance
in Florence. (Windows 3.1, Windows 95).