The Undergraduate Center

[A-Plus!] Grading Standards

Grade of A:

  1. Consistently superior scores on exams.
  2. Assignments completed in prescribed form, on time, with evidence of careful research on subject matter and planned presentation.
  3. Consistently shows independent thinking in terms of the subject matter of the course, either in written assignments and/or class discussion.
  4. Shows grasp of relationships among various parts of subject.
  5. Applies learning to new situations.
  6. Asks questions which are appropriate and stimulate relevant discussion.
  7. Complies with attendance regulations.

Grade of B:

  1. Consistently above average achievement on examinations.
  2. Assignments completed in prescribed form and on time; above average in quality.
  3. Demonstrates independent thinking in written assignments and/or class discussions.
  4. Shows grasp of general organization of subject matter by noting parallels in written ssignments and discussions.
  5. Demonstrates that the reasons for learning subject matter are understood and some applications made.
  6. Asks questions which clarify presentation of the subject and demonstrate above average knowledge.
  7. Complies with attendance regulations.

Grade of C:

  1. Satisfactory scores on examinations.
  2. Assignments completed in correct form, on time, and of an acceptable quality.
  3. Presents evidence of satisfactory grasp of assigned subject matter, either written assignments and/or class discussions.
  4. Shows satisfactory grasp of organization of subject matter.
  5. Demonstrates some understanding of the relationship of the subject to academic, vocational, or social goals.
  6. Asks relevant questions.
  7. Complies with attendance regulations.

Grade of D:

  1. Below average examination scores but high enough to show better-than-chance responses.
  2. Assignments completed in imperfect form or not completed on time; quality of work is marginal.
  3. Shows grasp of individual units of subject matter but little evidence of inter-relationships.
  4. Shows some application of material, but with little insight.
  5. Is a passive listener rather than an active participant in class discussion.
  6. Complies with the attendance regulations of the college.

Grade of F:

  1. Unsatisfactory test scores.
  2. Assignments omitted, incomplete or unacceptable.
  3. Is inattentive in class.
  4. Demonstrates little or no interest in or comprehension of subject matter.
  5. Unsatisfactory progress toward achieving intended class goals.
  6. Does not comply with attendance regulations.

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