An "Extra Credit Project" can be done at any time for extra credit or to make up for a low grade on a project with permission of the course instructor.

The extra credit project must be the student's own original work.
Downloaded information from the Internet is not acceptable.

The College has a strict policy regarding plagerism and academic honesty. We expect all students to abide by this policy. This is also a mark of your professionalism.

A extra credit project may be used for one course only. 

  • Do an acceptable freehand sketch, rendering, hardline drawing, CAD drawing, BIM drawing or freehand trace of a drawing of a famous building.

  • Make a field trip to one of the buildings on the above list and document the trip with a minimum of 12 digital photographs, a video tape, or sketches.

  • Attend a cultural event, such as a play, a symphony concert, an opera, or a gallery opening, and write a one page report on what you saw or heard, and deliver a short (3 to 5 minute) oral report to the class.
  • Provide some service to the department or College, as acceptable to the Instructor.

  • Other special projects as assigned by the Instructor.


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