Triton College: Course Title

Course Description —
Catalog Description
Prerequisite: none
The course goal is for the student to develop, understand and be able to demonstrate the fundamental drafting skills required for both subsequent classroom training and finally, the workplace. Manual drafting, freehand drawing and lettering will be covered.

Course Content
Equipment: Proper use of drafting equipment.
Accurate and competent line quality.
Line Weight: Thick, Medium, Thin and their corresponding uses.
Architectural lettering
Scale: Knowledge of the Architectural scale and how to use scale.
Drawing Types: Plan, Elevation, and Section Orthographic Projection, Oblique Drawings and Sketching.

Academic Integrity —
Triton College closely adheres to principles of academic honesty and integrity.
The academic honesty policy is designed to inform students and faculty of the expectations and procedures associated with the honest pursuit of a Triton College education. Overall, academic achievement is a product of personal commitments, an investigation of knowledge, and a pursuit of independent and honest work, both in and out of the classroom. All forms of cheating deprive students of achieving true academic success and are therefore, considered a serious violation. Furthermore, all incidents of cheating will result in a disciplinary response from college officials.



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