Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, both human and animal. In this course, we will examine the wide range of topics that psychologists have studied. We will especially try to understand two current main 'threads' of psychology, behaviorism and psychoanalysis. To do this, we will use both a standard textbook covering the whole range of psychology, and we will also use a collection of studies by individual psychologists reporting their original results. The main goal is to understand behavior better, but another goal almost as important is to understand the ways that psychologists go about the discipline of psychology.
Notes on Attendance:
You will want to attend all classes if an excellent grade is your
aspiration. Each absence increases the chance of a reduced grade.
Absences will lead to a lowered overall grade if quizzes or exams are
missed. Absences will be excused in the case of death in the immediate
family or your serious illness. In all these cases, the student must
provide me with a doctor's note or published
Quizzes missed due to absence can be made up during the
scheduled One Week Make Up Period near the end of the semester.
Assessments taken late will lose one grade (10% of the score).
Office: RC-215B.
Office Hours: Monday - Wednesday - Friday, 2:00-4:00 PM
and Tuesday - Thursday 2:30-3:30 PM.
Phone: (708) 456-0300, ext. 3323
This course is sometimes offered as a "co-requisite" with 2 others.
of them also has their own individual course over-view; click below for