When we build, let us think that we build forever...Let us think as we lay stone on stone that a time is to come when those stones will be held sacred because our hands have touched them and that men will say as they look upon the labor and the wrought substance of them, "See! This our fathers did for us."
    John Ruskin

Resources for Students

General Information

Obtain directions on how to get to the Architecture Studios at Triton College

Books and Equipment

Program Goals

Long Range Plan

Faculty Evaluation Form

Career Information

6Tuition Costs at Triton College

5Why you should consider the study of Architecture at Triton College

4Download the "I want to be an Architect" slide show

3Download the "I want to be an Interior Designer" slide show

2 Careers in Architecture and kindred subjects

Technical Information


6Technical and Other Information

1Triton BIM Wiki

National BIM Standards

2Triton CADD Standards Manual

3Triton Drafting Standards Manual

5UDS "Uniform Drawing System" - Standards for organization of drawings

4CSI Format for organization of specifications or materials

3Uniformat (CSI "MasterFormat") for organization cost estimate and other information

2Structural Design

1Weights of Building Materials

Quality Assurance Guide

Quality Control in Drawings and Specifications

How to Create Presentation Boards

How to Prepare Your Professional Portfolio

Things every student of architecture should know upon graduation

1Jargon every student of architecture should know

1Contractors' Terms (unauthorized)

How To ...

3How to use SketchUp

2How to use PowerPoint

How to Print AutoCAD drawings

How to Order Books Online through Triton Library

1How to use the "Froebel Gifts"

How to obtain free Revit, AutoCAD, Sketchup, Google Earth and PaintShopPro software for your own computer

Professional Literature

1Vitruvius: The Ten Books on Architecture

1Ruskin, John. The Seven Lamps of Architecture

1 Books on Architecture you Need to Read

Web Resources (Jeanne M. Brown's List)


photosPhotos of Triton Students' Architecture Projects

photosPhotos of Triton Students' Construction Projects

Photos of Eminent Architects and Interior Designers

Photos Inside Architects' Offices

Best Buildings in Illinois

Important new buildings you should know about

2Frank Lloyd Wright

1Historic American Building Survey (HABS)

3Pictures of U of I visit

2Pictures of Purdue-Calumet visit

1Pictures of visit to Johnson Wax Building and Milwaukee Art Museum

Environmental Sustainability

Sustainable carbon reduction strategies

USGBC Regreen Guidelines for Residential Remodeling


Professional Information

Summary of the "Boyer Report"

NAAB Performance Criteria

Licensing Architects and other related professions

Architectural Intern Development Program
Preservation and Accessibility

Illinois and Federal Accessibility Laws and their Impact on Historic Buildings